Catalog Contents
- Home
- Archived Catalogs
- Diana R. Garland School of Social Work
- Courses of Instruction
- Garland School of Social Work General Information
- Garland School of Social Work Policies and Procedures
- General Information
- Master of Social Work: Online Campus
- Master of Social Work: Waco Campus
- MSW Student Resources
- Practicum Education Curriculum
- Social Work Archived Catalogs
- George W. Truett Theological Seminary
- Academic Calendar
- Academic Regulations
- Accreditations and Memberships
- Administration
- Admissions - Doctor of Ministry Program
- Admissions - Master Degrees
- Admissions - Ph.D. in Preaching Program
- Board of Regents
- Doctor of Ministry Course Descriptions
- Doctor of Ministry Program (D.Min.)
- Endowed Lectures
- Facilities and Activities
- Faculty and Staff
- Financial Aid and Scholarship Award Information
- Financial Information
- General University Policies
- History of Truett Seminary
- Master Course Descriptions
- Christian Religious Education (CRED)
- Leadership/Administration (LEAD)
- Mentoring (MENT)
- Pastoral Ministry (PAST)
- Practical Theology (PRTH)
- Preaching (PRCH)
- Sports Ministry (PTSM)
- Theology (THEO)
- Theology, Ecology, and Food Justice (TEFJ)
- Wesley House of Studies (WSLY)
- World Christianity and Witness (WOCW)
- Master Degrees
- Dual-Degree Programs
- Master of Divinity/Juris Doctor Dual Degree
- Master of Divinity/Master of Business Administration Dual Degree
- Master of Divinity/Master of Education Dual Degree
- Master of Divinity/Master of Music Dual Degree
- Master of Divinity/Master of Social Work Dual Degree
- Master of Theological Studies/Master of Social Work Dual Degree
- M.Div. Dual Degree Programs
- Master of Arts
- Master of Arts in Christian Ministry
- Master of Divinity Degree
- Master of Theological Studies
- Dual-Degree Programs
- Mission of Baylor University
- Mission Statement of Truett Seminary
- Ph.D. in Preaching Course Descriptions
- Preaching (Ph.D.)
- Quick Reference
- Registration and Enrollment
- Seminary Archived Catalogs
- Student and Faculty Awards
- Truett Ethical Conduct Policies
- Accounting (ACC)
- Akkadian (AKK)
- American Studies (AMS)
- Anthropology (ANT)
- Aviation Sciences (AVS)
- Bioinformatics (BINF)
- Biology (BIO)
- Biomedical Engineering (BME)
- Biomedical Studies (BMS)
- Business (BUS)
- Business (MBUS)
- Business Law (BL)
- Business Law (MBL)
- Chemistry (CHE)
- Child and Family Studies (CFS)
- Classics (CLA)
- Clinical Orthopaedics (MCO)
- Comm. Sciences and Disorders (CSD)
- Communication (CSS)
- Computer Science (CSI)
- Curriculum & Instruction (EDC)
- Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)
- Ecology, Earth, Environ Sci (EEES)
- Economics (ECO)
- Economics (MECO)
- Education (EDU)
- Educational Administration (EDA)
- Educational Leadership (EDL)
- Educational Psychology (EDP)
- Electrical & Comp Engineering (ELC)
- Emergency Medicine (MEM)
- Engineering (EGR)
- English (ENG)
- Entrepreneurship (ENT)
- Environmental Science (ENV)
- Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS)
- Film Digital Media (FDM)
- Finance (FIN)
- Finance (MFIN)
- French (FRE)
- Geology (GEO)
- German (GER)
- Gerontology (GRT)
- Global Engagement (GBL)
- Greek (GRK)
- Health Care Administration (HCA)
- Health Education (HED)
- Health Services Research (HSR)
- Healthcare Policy and Adm (HPA)
- Hebrew (HEB)
- History (HIS)
- Human Performance (HP)
- Information Security (ISEC)
- International Business (INB)
- International Business (MINB)
- Journalism (JOU)
- Latin (LAT)
- Management (MGT)
- Management (MMGT)
- Management Info Systems (MIS)
- Marketing (MKT)
- Marketing (MMKT)
- Masters Program Nutrition (MPN)
- Mathematics (MTH)
- Mechanical Engineering (ME)
- Military General Surgery (MGS)
- Military Occupational Therapy (MOT)
- Museum Studies (MST)
- Music (MUS)
- Music Ensemble (MUEN)
- Neuroscience (NSC)
- Nursing (MNUR)
- Nursing (NUR)
- Nutrition Sciences (NUTR)
- Occupational Therapy Doctorate (OTD)
- PhD in Preaching (PHDP)
- Philosophy (PHI)
- Physical Therapy (Doctoral) (PHT)
- Physical Therapy (PT)
- Physics (PHY)
- Political Science (PSC)
- Psychology (PSY)
- Public Health (PUBH)
- Quantitative Business Analysis (QBA)
- Recreation & Leisure Services (RLS)
- Religion (REL)
- Russian (RUS)
- Social Innov. Collaborative (SIC)
- Social Work (SWO)
- Sociology (SOC)
- Spanish (SPA)
- Sports Management (SPM)
- Statistics (STA)
- Theater Arts (THEA)
- Ugaritic (UGA)
- College of Arts & Sciences
- American Studies
- Anthropology
- Asian Studies
- Biology
- Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Classics
- Communication
- English
- Environmental Science
- Film and Digital Media
- Geosciences
- History
- Institute for Ecological, Earth, and Environmental Sciences
- Interdisciplinary Studies
- Journalism, Public Relations and New Media
- Latin American Studies
- Mathematics
- Museum Studies
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science
- Psychology and Neuroscience
- Religion
- Sociology
- Accelerated Bachelor of Business Administration/Master of Accountancy
- Accelerated Bachelor of Business Administration/Master of Taxation
- Accounting Data and Analytics Certificate
- Business Administration Minor
- Business Analytics Graduate Concentration
- Cybersecurity Graduate Concentration
- Dual Juris Doctor/Master of Business Administration
- Dual Juris Doctor/Master of Business Administration-Healthcare Administration
- Dual Juris Doctor/Master of Taxation
- Dual Master of Business Administration/Master of Divinity
- Dual Master of Business Administration/Master of Engineering
- Dual Master of Business Administration/Master of Science in Business Analytics
- Dual Master of Business Administration/Master of Science in Information Systems
- Dual Master of Business Administration/Master of Social Work
- Economics
- Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship and Corporate Innovation Graduate Concentration
- Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA)
- Healthcare Administration Specialization (MBA) - Administrative Residency Track (ART)
- Healthcare Administration Specialization (MBA) - Pre-Clinical Track (PCT)
- Information Systems and Business Analytics
- Master of Accountancy, M.Acc.
- Master of Business Administration (MBA)
- Master of Taxation, M.Tax.
- Online Master of Business Administration (OMBA)
- Doctor of Nursing Practice, DNP
- Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (AC/PC-PNP Dual Track), BSN to DNP Degree
- Pediatric Nurse Practitioner (AC/PC-PNP DUAL TRACK), BSN to DNP Degree
- Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (AGACNP Track), BSN to DNP Degree
- APRN Post Master’s DNP
- Executive Nurse Leadership, DNP-ENL
- Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP Track), BSN to DNP Degree
- Neonatal Nurse Practitioner (NNP Track), BSN to DNP Degree
- Nurse-Midwifery (NM Track), BSN to DNP Degree
- Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP Track), BSN to DNP Degree
- Communication Sciences and Disorders
- Doctor of Occupational Therapy, OTD
- Doctor of Physical Therapy, DPT
- Health, Human Performance and Recreation
- Human Sciences and Design
- Post-Professional Doctor of Occupational Therapy, PP-OTD
- Public Health
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Educational Leadership
- Higher Education and Student Affairs (HESA), M.S.Ed.
- Higher Education Studies & Leadership, Ph.D.
- Higher Education Studies and Leadership 2-3 Masters/Ph.D. Student Pathway
- K-12 Educational Leadership, Ed.D.
- P-12 Educational Leadership Ph.D.
- School Leadership and Principal Certification Preparation, M.A.
- Sport Management (SPM), M.S.Ed.
- Educational Psychology
- Master of Arts in Teaching with Teaching Certification
- Academic Calendar
- Accreditations and Memberships
- General University Policies
- Graduate Degrees Offered
- Graduate School Policies
- Admissions
- Curriculum Organization
- Doctoral Degrees, General Degree Requirements
- Doctoral Degrees, Specific Degree Requirements
- Enrollment
- Grading Policies
- Graduate Student Employment
- Graduate Student Success
- Master's Degrees, General Degree Requirements
- Master's Degrees, Specific Degree Requirements
- Other Requirements for Graduation
- Probation & Dismissal
- Registration Procedures
- Historical Highlights of Baylor University
- Mission Statement
- University Leadership
- Academic Calendars
- Academic Success Office
- Accreditations and History
- Bar Exam Application and Qualifications
- Baylor Law Mission Statement
- Cancellations, Dropping Courses, and Withdrawals
- Career Development Office
- Courses of Study
- Dean's List
- Discipline
- Faculty & Staff
- Fellows Programs
- Field Placement Program
- Financial Aid, Scholarships and Awards
- General Regulations
- Grade System
- Graduation and Graduation Honors
- Joint Degree Programs
- Juris Doctor Course Descriptions
- Juris Doctor Degree Requirements
- Juris Doctor Professional Tracks & Special Distinctions
- /school-law/juris-doctor-professional-tracks-special-distinctions/special-distinctions/
- /school-law/juris-doctor-professional-tracks-special-distinctions/tracks/
- Administrative Practice Track
- Business Litigation Track
- Business Planning Track
- Commercial Law Track
- Criminal Practice Track
- Estate Planning and Administration Track
- Family Law Practice Track
- Fiduciary Litigation Track
- General Civil Litigation Track
- Healthcare Law Track
- Intellectual Property Litigation Track
- Intellectual Property Track
- Personal Injury Litigation Track
- Public Interest Law Track
- Real Estate & Natural Resources Track
- College of Arts & Sciences
- Academic Departments and Programs
- /undergraduate/college-arts-sciences/academic-departments/interdisciplinary-programs/
- Aerospace Studies
- Anthropology
- Accelerated Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology/Master of Arts in Museum Studies
- Anthropology (Archaeology), B.A.
- Anthropology (Environmental Anthropology), B.A.
- Anthropology (Forensic Anthropology), B.S.
- Anthropology (General Anthropology), B.A.
- Anthropology (General Anthropology), B.S.
- Anthropology (Health), B.S.
- Anthropology - Secondary Major
- Anthropology Minor
- Archaeology Minor
- Forensic Science Minor
- Art and Art History
- Accelerated Bachelor of Arts in Art History/Master of Arts in Museum Studies
- Accelerated Bachelor of Arts in Art History/Master of Arts in Teaching (with Teaching Certification)
- Accelerated Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art/Master of Arts in Museum Studies
- Accelerated Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art/Master of Arts in Teaching (with Teaching Certification)
- Accelerated Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art/Master of Arts in Teaching (with Teaching Certification)
- Art History Minor
- Art History, B.A.
- Studio Art Minor
- Studio Art, B.A.
- Studio Art, B.F.A.
- Studio Art (Ceramic Design Concentration), B.F.A.
- Studio Art (Fiber Concentration), B.F.A.
- Studio Art (Graphic Design Concentration), B.F.A.
- Studio Art (Painting Concentration), B.F.A.
- Studio Art (Photography Concentration), B.F.A.
- Studio Art (Printmaking Concentration), B.F.A.
- Studio Art (Sculpture Concentration), B.F.A.
- Biology
- Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Biology/Master of Arts in Teaching (with Teaching Certification)
- Biology (Biology of Global Health), B.S.
- Biology (Cell and Molecular Biology), B.S.
- Biology (Integrative Biology), B.S.
- Biology (Science Education), B.S.
- Biology - Secondary Major
- Biology, B.A.
- Biology, B.S.
- Academic Departments and Programs
- Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Accelerated Bachelor of Arts in Biochemistry/Master of Arts in Teaching (with Teaching Certificate)
- Accelerated Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry/Master of Arts in Teaching (with Teaching Certification)
- Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry/Master of Arts in Teaching (with Teaching Certificate)
- Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Chemistry/Master of Arts in Teaching (with Teaching Certification)
- Biochemistry - Secondary Major
- Biochemistry Minor
- Biochemistry, B.A.
- Biochemistry, B.S.
- Chemistry (American Chemical Society Certified), B.S.
- Chemistry - Secondary Major
- Chemistry Minor
- Chemistry, B.A.
- Chemistry, B.S.
- Classics
- Accelerated Bachelor of Arts/Master of Arts in Classics
- Classics - Secondary Major
- Classics Minor
- Classics, B.A.
- Greek - Secondary Major
- Greek and Roman Studies - Secondary Major
- Greek and Roman Studies Minor
- Greek and Roman Studies, B.A.
- Greek Minor
- Greek, B.A.
- Latin - Secondary Major
- Latin Minor
- Latin, B.A.
- Communication
- English
- Accelerated Bachelor of Arts in English/Master of Arts in Teaching (with Teaching Certification)
- Creative Writing Minor
- English - Secondary Major
- English Minor
- English, B.A.
- Linguistics - Secondary Major
- Linguistics Minor
- Linguistics, B.A.
- Professional Writing and Rhetoric - Secondary Major
- Professional Writing and Rhetoric, B.A.
- Environmental Science
- Accelerated Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies/Master of Arts in Teaching (with Teaching Certification)
- Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health Science/Master of Public Health
- Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science/Master of Arts in Teaching (with Teaching Certification)
- Environmental Health Science, B.S.
- Environmental Science, B.S.
- Environmental Studies Minor
- Environmental Studies, B.A.
- Earth Science (Double Major with Environmental Studies), B.A.
- Earth Science Minor
- Earth Science, B.A.
- Geosciences - Secondary Major
- Geosciences Major
- Geosciences (Biogeoscience & Paleontology), B.S.
- Geosciences (Climate Change & Society), B.S.
- Geosciences (Geochemistry), B.S.
- Geosciences (Geology), B.S.
- Geosciences (Geophysics), B.S.
- Geosciences (Hydrogeoscience), B.S.
- Geosciences (Petroleum Geoscience), B.S.
- Geosciences (Planetary Geoscience), B.S.
- Geosciences Minor
- Accelerated Bachelor of Arts in American Studies/Master of Arts in Museum Studies
- Accelerated Bachelor of Arts in Journalism/Master of Arts in Museum Studies
- Advertising Minor
- American Studies Minor
- American Studies, B.A.
- Journalism - Secondary Major
- Journalism, B.A.
- News Editorial Minor
- Photojournalism Minor
- Public Relations Minor
- Accelerated Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics/Master of Arts in Teaching (with Teaching Certification)
- Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics/Master of Arts in Teaching (with Teaching Certification)
- Applied Mathematics, B.S.
- Mathematics (Mathematics Education Concentration), B.A.
- Mathematics (Mathematics Education Concentration), B.S.
- Mathematics - Secondary Major
- Mathematics Minor
- Mathematics, B.A.
- Mathematics, B.S.
- Astronomy - Secondary Major
- Astronomy Minor
- Astronomy, B.A.
- Astronomy, B.S.
- Astrophysics - Secondary Major
- Astrophysics Minor
- Astrophysics, B.A.
- Astrophysics, B.S.
- Physics (Computational Physics), B.S.
- Physics (Physics Education), B.S.
- Physics (Prehealth Care), B.S.
- Physics - Secondary Major
- Physics Minor
- Physics, B.A.
- Physics, B.S.
- Bachelor of Arts in Political Science/Master of Arts in Teaching (with Teaching Certification)
- Criminal Justice Minor
- International Studies - Secondary Major
- International Studies Minor
- International Studies, B.A.
- Political Science (Pre-Law), B.A.
- Political Science - Secondary Major
- Political Science Minor
- Political Science, B.A.
- Accounting (ACC)
- Aerospace Studies (AS)
- American Studies (AMS)
- Anthropology (ANT)
- Arabic (ARB)
- Aramaic (ARA)
- Archaeology (ARC)
- Art (ART)
- Art History (ARTH)
- Asian Studies (AST)
- Aviation Management (AVIM)
- Aviation Sciences (AVS)
- Baylor Interdisciplinary Core (BIC)
- Bioinformatics (BINF)
- Biology (BIO)
- Biomedical Engineering (BME)
- Business (BUS)
- Business Law (BL)
- Chapel (CHA)
- Chemistry (CHE)
- Child and Family Studies (CFS)
- Chinese (CHI)
- Classics (CLA)
- Comm. Sciences and Disorders (CSD)
- Communication (CSS)
- Computer Science (CSI)
- Computer Science Fellows (CSF)
- Curriculum & Instruction (EDC)
- Data Science (DSC)
- Economics (ECO)
- Education (EDU)
- Educational Leadership (EDL)
- Educational Psychology (EDP)
- Electrical & Comp Engineering (ELC)
- Engineering & Computer Science (ECS)
- Engineering (EGR)
- English (ENG)
- English (ENGL)
- English as Second Language (ESL)
- Entrepreneurship (ENT)
- Environmental Science (ENV)
- Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS)
- Film Digital Media (FDM)
- Finance (FIN)
- First Year Seminar (FYS)
- Forensic Science (FORS)
- French (FRE)
- Freshman Academic Seminar (FAS)
- Geography (GEOG)
- Geology (GEO)
- German (GER)
- Gerontology (GRT)
- Global Engagement (GBL)
- Great Texts (GTX)
- Greek (GRK)
- Health Education (HED)
- Hebrew (HEB)
- History (HIS)
- Honors (HON)
- Human Performance (HP)
- Human Sciences & Design (HSD)
- Integrated Science (ISCI)
- Interior Design (ID)
- International Business (INB)
- International Exchange (IEX)
- Italian (ITA)
- Japanese (JPN)
- Journalism (JOU)
- Korean (KOR)
- Latin (LAT)
- Latin American Studies (LAS)
- Leadership Development (LDS)
- Library Science (LS)
- Lifetime Fitness (LF)
- Linguistics (LING)
- Management (MGT)
- Management Info Systems (MIS)
- Marketing (MKT)
- Mathematics (MTH)
- Mechanical Engineering (ME)
- Medical Humanities (MH)
- Middle East Studies (MES)
- Military Science (MILS)
- Modern Languages and Cultures (MLC)
- Museum Studies (MST)
- Music (MUS)
- Music Ensemble (MUEN)
- Neuroscience (NSC)
- Nursing (NUR)
- Nutrition Sciences (NUTR)
- Philanthropy & Public Service (PPS)
- Philosophy (PHI)
- Physics (PHY)
- Political Science (PSC)
- Portuguese (POR)
- Pre-Health Professions (PHP)
- Prof. Writing & Rhetoric (PWR)
- Professional Development (PRD)
- Psychology (PSY)
- Public Health (PUBH)
- Quantitative Business Analysis (QBA)
- Recreation & Leisure Services (RLS)
- Religion (REL)
- Russian (RUS)
- Sanskrit (SAN)
- Science Research Fellows (SRF)
- Slavic & East European Studies (SEES)
- Social Innov. Collaborative (SIC)
- Social Work (SWO)
- Sociology (SOC)
- Spanish (SPA)
- Statistics (STA)
- Strategic Learning (STL)
- Swahili (SWA)
- Syriac (SYR)
- Teacher Education (TED)
- Theater Arts (THEA)
- University Scholars (UNSC)
- University Studies (UST)
- Women's & Gender Studies (WGS)
- Academic Actions and Student Success
- Academic Advisement
- Academic Calendar
- Administration
- Admissions
- Advanced Placement in Foreign Language
- Board of Regents
- Cancellations, Drops, and University Withdrawals
- Class Attendance
- Course Load
- Course Repetition and Academic Grade Forgiveness
- Credit by Examination
- Curriculum Organization
- Deans' Academic Honor List
- Degree Requirements
- Examinations
- Financial Costs
- General University Regulations
- Grading Policies
- Graduation with Latin Honors
- Historical Highlights of Baylor University
- Institutional Accreditation
- Mission Statement of Baylor University
- National and International Scholarships
- Other Requirements for Graduation
- Registration Policies and Procedures
- Registration Policies and Procedures
- Student Financial Aid
- Transfer Credit
- Academic Departments
- Communication Sciences and Disorders
- General Information
- Health, Human Performance, and Recreation
- Exercise Physiology, B.S.
- Health Science Studies, B.S.
- Health, Kinesiology, and Leisure Studies
- Intrauniversity Dance Minor
- Lifetime Fitness
- Outdoor Education and Leadership Minor
- Physical Education (All-Level)
- Recreation and Leisure Services
- Recreation and Leisure Services - Secondary Major
- Recreation Ministry Minor
- Human Sciences and Design
- Public Health
- Degrees and Requirements
- All-Level Spanish Teacher Certification, B.S. in Education
- All-Level Special Education Teacher Certification, B.S. in Education
- Elementary Teaching Certification, B.S. in Education
- Integrated Studies
- Master of Arts in Teaching
- Middle Grades Teacher Certification, B.S. in Education
- Minors/Concentrations
- Secondary Teacher Certification, B.S. in Education
- Supplemental Certificates
- /undergraduate/school-engineering-computer-science/ecs-minors/
- Computer Science and Informatics
- Engineering
- Bachelor of Arts in Music
- Bachelor of Music
- Church Music - Instrumental Emphasis, B.M.
- Church Music - Keyboard Emphasis, B.M.
- Church Music - Voice Emphasis, B.M.
- Composition, B.M.
- Music History and Literature, B.M.
- Performance
- Performance - Brass, B.M.
- Performance - Organ, B.M.
- Performance - Percussion, B.M.
- Performance - Piano, B.M.
- Performance - Strings, B.M.
- Performance - Voice, B.M.
- Piano Pedagogy, B.M.
- Theory, B.M.
- Bachelor of Music Education
- Certificate in Jazz Studies
- Certificate in Orchestral Conducting
- Church Music Minor
- Distribution Lists of Course Choices
- Music Minor
- Secondary Major Instrumental Music Performance
- Secondary Major Keyboard Music Performance
- Secondary Major Vocal Music Performance