Statistics (Sports Analytics), B.S.

Requirements for a Major in Statistics (Sports Analytics)

Thirty-one semester hours including the following:
Required Courses
STA 2300Introduction to Data Science3
STA 2450Introduction to Computing for the Mathematical and Statistical Sciences4
STA 3310Sports Analytics I3
STA 3375Technologies for Sports Analytics3
STA 3381Probability and Statistics3
STA 3386Regression Analysis3
STA 4373Computational Methods in Statistics3
STA 43C8Capstone in Sports Analytics3
Six semester hours of 3000-4000 level STA courses 16
Additional Requirements
A grade of “C” or better in courses used for the major.
Required Courses in Other Fields
MTH 1321Calculus I3
MTH 1322Calculus II3
MTH 2311Linear Algebra3
MTH 2321Calculus III3
Eight semester hours of science courses (with no more than 4 hours from GEO) with appropriate labs selected from the following: 28
Modern Concepts of Bioscience
and Modern Concepts of Bioscience Laboratory
Modern Concepts of Bioscience, continued
and Modern Concepts of Bioscience Laboratory
Basic Principles of Modern Chemistry I
and General Chemistry Laboratory I
Basic Principles of Modern Chemistry II
and General Chemistry Laboratory II
Exploring Environmental Issues
and An Introduction to Environmental Analysis (Lab)
Wildlife Ecology
and Wildlife Ecology Laboratory Exercises
The Earth Through Time
and The Earth Through Time, Laboratory
Evolution and Extinction
Origins of Habitable Worlds
Earthquakes and Other Natural Disasters
World Oceans
Environmental Geology
The Dynamic Earth
Earth Science
Introduction to Neuroscience
and Introduction to Neuroscience Laboratory
General Physics I
General Physics II
Total Hours51

STA 4V90 Special Topics in Statistics may be taken for a maximum of 6 hours.


Each course must apply to a major in its department.