BSE Engineering (Energy and Environment Concentration)

B.S.E. Degree Requirements for a Major in Engineering (Energy and Environment Concentration) 

Required Courses
Minimum 124 hours including the following:
Literature and Writing
ENG 1310Research Writing: Writing and Academic Inquiry Seminars3
GTX 2301Intellectual Traditions of the Ancient World : Literature and Thought3
or GTX 2302 Medieval Intellectual Traditions: Literature and Thought in Context
PWR 3300Technical Writing3
REL 1310The Christian Scriptures3
REL 1350The Christian Heritage3
Foreign Language and Culture
Select 3 hours from the Foreign Language and Culture Distribution List for ECS Majors. Second-level proficiency must be reached if a foreign language is chosen.3
Other Requirements
PSC 1387The U.S. Constitution, Its Interpretation, and the American Political Experience3
or ENG 2301 British Literature
EGR 2108Engineering Economics1
EGR 3305Social and Ethical Issues in Engineering3
EGR 1101Engineering New Student Experience1
Lifetime Fitness: Any two LF 11XX courses. ECS 2101 and select leadership courses may fulfill one of the Lifetime Fitness requirements.2
Chapel: Two Semesters0
General Elective Credit1
Mathematics and Basic Sciences
CHE 1301Basic Principles of Modern Chemistry I3
MTH 1321Calculus I3
MTH 1322Calculus II3
MTH 2311Linear Algebra3
MTH 2321Calculus III3
MTH 3325Ordinary Differential Equations3
STA 3381Probability and Statistics3
One additional “3000” or “4000” level approved math or science class3
PHY 1420General Physics I4
PHY 1430General Physics II4
Engineering Major (Energy and Environment)
EGR 1301Introduction to Engineering3
EGR 1302Introduction to Engineering Analysis3
EGR 3380Engineering Design I3
EGR 4390Engineering Design II3
ME 2320Statics3
ME 2321Dynamics3
ME 2345Thermodynamics3
ME 3420Instrumentation and Measurements4
ELC 2330
ELC 2130
Electrical Circuit Theory
and Electrical Circuit Laboratory
ELC 3335Signals and Systems3
Select one of the following:4
Digital Logic Design
and Digital Logic Design Laboratory
Introduction to Programming I
Introduction to Computer Science I with Laboratory
Engineering Elective Requirements (Energy and Environment)
ME 4305Sustainable Engineering3
ME 4360Renewable Energy Devices3
EGR 4361Conventional & Alternative Energy Systems3
Concentration Requirements (Energy and Environment)
CHE 1302Basic Principles of Modern Chemistry II3
ENV 3316Introduction to Air Quality3
ENV 3387Environmental Chemistry3
ENV 4345Water Management3
ENV 4365The Environment and Energy3
ANT 4321Climate Anthropology3
A grade of “C” or better in all of the Engineering hours counted towards the major.
Total Hours124