Classics, B.A.

Requirements for a Major in Classics

Thirty semester hours including the following:
Required Courses
GRK 2310Intermediate Greek Prose 13
GRK 2320Intermediate Greek Poetry3
LAT 2310Intermediate Latin Prose 23
LAT 2320Intermediate Latin Poetry3
Twelve semester hours of 3000-4000 level courses in GRK or LAT12
Select six hours from the following:6
CLA 3000-4000 level courses
Roman History and Civilization
Greek History and Civilization
GRK 3000-4000 level courses
LAT 3000-4000 level courses
History of Philosophy: Classical Philosophy
Classical Political Philosophy
Total Hours30

If four high-school units of Greek are presented, GRK 2310 Intermediate Greek Prose is not required.


If four high-school units of Latin are presented, LAT 2310 Intermediate Latin Prose is not required.