Teacher Education (TED)
TED 1112 Instructional Technology Lab (1)
Co-requisite(s): TED 1312
The TED technology lab prepares teacher candidates for effective personal and classroom use of technology resources. Students will meet and exceed Texas State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) requirements.
TED 1312 Introduction to Education I (3)
This course provides exposure to and experiences within the variety of career opportunities available to professional educators. Students will explore education through the lenses of informal education, Christian and private education, teacher education, and leadership in education.
TED 2112 Instructional Technology Lab II (1)
Pre-requisite(s): TED 1112
The TED 2112 technology lab extends and builds on TED 1112 in preparing teacher candidates for effective personal and professional use of technology resources. At the conclusion of the Baylor teacher education program, candidates will meet and exceed Texas State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) requirements as outlined in the Technology Applications Standards for All Beginning Teachers.
TED 2320 Teaching in the Elementary School (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Completion of TED 1312 or concurrent enrollment
An introduction to the role of the teacher in the elementary school. A field experience is included.
TED 2330 Teaching in the Middle Grades (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Completion of TED 1312 or concurrent enrollment
An introduction to the role of the teacher in the middle school. A field experience is included.
TED 2340 Teaching in Secondary Schools (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Completion of TED 1312 or concurrent enrollment
An introduction to the role of the teacher in the secondary school. A field experience is included.
TED 2360 Teaching Special Education (3)
Pre-requisite(s): TED 1312
This course provides initial preparation in the role of a special education teacher. Students will learn teaching strategies for students with disabilities that are then applied in a one-to-one teaching experience.
TED 2370 Teaching Physical Education (3)
Co-requisite(s): TED 2112
Pre-requisite(s): Completion of TED 1312 or concurrent enrollment
This course provides teacher candidates with an introduction to the role of the all-level physical education instructor. Course includes a field experience in grades K - eight.
TED 2380 Introduction to Education II (3)
This course will continue the exploration of the field of education to include the history of Western educational thought from the ancient Greek ideas of Plato and Aristotle to modern naturalistic theorists.
TED 2381 American Educational Thought (3)
This course will address the history of American educational thought from the founding of the Republic to the present day. Individuals to be considered will include Thomas Jefferson, Horace Mann, William James, and John Dewey.
TED 3180 Social Issues in Education Lab (1)
Co-requisite(s): TED 3380
Varied action-oriented field experiences that allow students to develop a depth of knowledge and experience in the topics explored in TED 3380. Through field based experiences in local organizations and schools, students will have the opportunity to examine how social issues play out in real-life settings.
TED 3301 Early Literacy Learning (3)
Pre-requisite(s): TED 1312
Preparation of pre-service teachers to plan, organize, and implement an early literacy program that ensures that young children will be reading beginning materials independently by the end of the first grade.
TED 3325 Literacy Instruction in the Elementary School (3)
Pre-requisite(s): TED 1312
An examination of methods of teaching reading in the elementary school. Includes atypical and typical language and literacy development in children in the elementary school.
TED 3335 Literacy Instruction in the Middle Grades (3)
Co-requisite(s): TED 3370
Introductions to typical and atypical literacy instruction in middle grades and an overview of cognitive, emotional, social, and physical development of adolescents. Includes reading, writing, oral language, and an introduction to literature for adolescents.
TED 3336 Middle Grades Science (3)
Co-requisite(s): TED 3370
This course will prepare candidates to plan and implement inquiry-based science instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners and increase their pedagogical repertoires.
TED 3340 Teaching Associate Secondary Part I (3)
Pre-requisite(s): TED 2340 or concurrent enrollment
Practicum of one hundred hours in a local secondary classroom matching the selected content certification area. Course includes weekly seminars.
TED 3341 Teaching Associate Secondary Part II (3)
Pre-requisite(s): TED 2340
Continuation of Teaching Associate Secondary Part I. Practicum of one hundred hours in a local secondary classroom matching the selected content certification area. Course includes weekly seminars.
TED 3342 School and Classroom Environment (3)
Prepare the secondary education teacher candidate with research-based instructional and classroom management strategies. Provide opportunities for application of the strategies with students and opportunities for interaction with teachers at local secondary schools.
TED 3346 Foundations of Secondary Reading and Writing (3)
A study of the typical and atypical developmental stages of reading and writing for secondary students. Focuses on instructional strategies in reading and writing to meet the needs of all students. Course includes a field experience.
TED 3362 Middle Grades Social Studies (3)
Co-requisite(s): TED 3370
This course will expose middle school social studies candidates to the philosophies, methods and culturally relevant practices that nuance the field’s expressed disciplinary aims. Candidates will be asked to rethink traditional social studies instruction and develop transformational postures that will increase and diversify their pedagogical repertories. Concurrent enrollment in TED 3370 required.
TED 3370 Data Analysis and Instruction (3)
Pre-requisite(s): TED 3180 and EDP 3326
An analysis of standardized assessments given at national, state, district, campus, and individual student levels. Planning and implementing instructional activities based on areas of need identified in the analysis. Field experiences are a critical element of the course.
TED 3380 Social Issues in Education (3)
Co-requisite(s): TED 3180
This course will explore cultural and social issues that influence education. Concurrent enrollment in one hour field-based lab required.
TED 3383 Secondary Mathematics Practicum I (3)
Co-requisite(s): TED 3342
This course prepares teacher candidates to adapt instruction in mathematics for meeting the needs of diverse students, strategy implementation for large and small groups, application of state and national standards, and development of instructional resources.
TED 3384 Secondary Mathematics Practicum II (3)
Continuation of Secondary Mathematics Practicum I. Course combines a practicum in a local secondary mathematics classroom with lecture and discussion about adapting instruction to meet the needs of diverse students, strategies for large and small groups, NCTM Standards, and teaching resources.
TED 3385 Secondary Social Studies Practicum I (3)
Co-requisite(s): TED 3342
This course prepares teacher candidates to adapt instruction in social studies for meeting the needs of diverse students, strategy implementation for large and small groups, application of state and national standards, and development of instructional resources.
TED 3386 Secondary Social Studies Practicum II (3)
Continuation of Secondary Social Studies Practicum I. Course combines a practicum in a local school with in-depth discussion of instructional design, technology in the classroom, and assessment. The course also includes overview of content included in secondary history, geography, economics and civics education courses.
TED 3387 Secondary Science Practicum I (3)
Co-requisite(s): TED 3342
This course prepares teacher candidates to adapt instruction in science for meeting the needs of diverse students, strategy implementation for large and small groups, application of state and national standards, and development of instructional resources.
TED 3388 Secondary Science Practicum II (3)
Co-requisite(s): TED 3341
Course combines a practicum in a local school with in-depth discussion of instructional design, technology in the classroom, and assessment. The course also includes an overview of content of secondary science courses.
TED 3390 Secondary Foreign Language Practicum I (3)
Co-requisite(s): TED 3342
This course prepares teacher candidates to adapt instruction in foreign language for meeting the needs of diverse students, strategy implementation for large and small groups, application of state and national standards, and development of instructional resources.
TED 3391 Secondary Foreign Language Practicum II (3)
Co-requisite(s): TED 3341
Course combines a practicum in a local school with lecture and in-depth discussion of instructional design, technology in the classroom, and assessment and action research in the classroom.
TED 3394 Secondary Art Practicum I (3)
Co-requisite(s): TED 3340
Course combines a practicum in a local school with lecture and in-depth discussion of instructional design, components of a secondary art program, technology in the art classroom, assessment and action research in the classroom.
TED 3395 Secondary Art Practicum II (3)
Co-requisite(s): TED 3341
Continuation of Secondary Art Practicum I. Course combines a practicum in a local school with in-depth discussion of components of the art program, instructional design in art, technology in the classroom, and assessment in art classes.
TED 3396 Secondary English Language Arts Practicum I (3)
Co-requisite(s): TED 3342
This course prepares teacher candidates to adapt instruction in English/Language Arts for meeting the needs of diverse students, strategy implementation for large and small groups, application of state and national standards, and development of instructional resources.
TED 3397 Secondary English Language Arts Practicum II (3)
Co-requisite(s): TED 3341
Continuation of Secondary English Language Arts Practicum I. Course combines practicum in a local secondary English classroom with lecture and discussion about adapting instruction in English to meet the needs of diverse students, strategies for building vocabulary, developing written and oral language, and an overview of the history of English.
TED 3398 Secondary Business Practicum I (3)
Co-requisite(s): TED 3342
This course prepares teacher candidates to adapt instruction in business courses for meeting the needs of diverse students, strategy implementation for large and small groups, application of state and national standards, and development of instructional resources.
TED 3399 Secondary Business Practicum II (3)
Co-requisite(s): TED 3341
A continuation of TED 3398 Secondary Business Practicum I. Course combines a practicum in a local school with lecture and in-depth discussion of the economic system, components of a secondary business program, technology in the classroom, leadership and career development, assessment of student learning, and action research in the business classroom.
TED 3620 Teaching Associate Elementary School Part I (6)
Pre-requisite(s): TED 1312
Practicum of one hundred hours in the elementary school in a local classroom. Teacher candidates will work with small and large groups in instruction in reading and social studies. Course includes daily seminars.
TED 3621 Teaching Associate Elementary School Part II (6)
Pre-requisite(s): TED 1312
Practicum of one hundred hours in the elementary school in a local classroom. Teacher candidates will work with small and large groups in instruction in mathematics and science. Course includes daily seminars.
TED 3630 Teaching Associate Middle Grades Part I (6)
Pre-requisite(s): TED 3370
Practicum of one hundred hours in a local middle grade classroom matching the selected content certification area. Teacher candidates will work with small and large groups of students. Course includes a weekly seminar.
TED 3631 Teaching Associate Middle Grades Part II (6)
Continuation of TED 3630. Practicum of one hundred hours in a local middle grade classroom matching the selected content certification areas. Teacher candidates will work with small and large groups of students. Course includes a weekly seminar.
TED 3640 Tchng Assoc Secondary Part I (6)
Pre-requisite(s): TED 2340
Practicum of one hundred hours in a local secondary classroom matching the selected content certification area. Course includes weekly seminars.
TED 3641 Teaching Associate Secondary (6)
Pre-requisite(s): TED 3380
Practicum of 100 hours in a local secondary classroom matching the selected content certification area. Course includes weekly seminars.
TED 3651 Teaching Associate EC-6 with Special Education and Gifted Education (6)
In this course, teacher candidates teach small groups of early childhood through grade 6 general education with special education or gifted education students within the specific disciplinary areas that match their certificate areas. The practicum consists of 97.5 hours in a professional development or partner school (7.5 hours per week). Teacher candidates will work with small and large groups of students. Course includes seminars.
TED 3670 Teaching Associate Physical Education Part I (6)
Pre-requisite(s): TED 2370
Practicum of one hundred hours teaching physical education in a local school. Teacher candidates will work with small and large groups of students. Course includes a weekly seminar.
TED 3671 Teaching Associate Physical Education Part II (6)
Continuation of TED 3670. Practicum of one hundred hours teaching physical education in a local school. Teacher candidates will work with small and large groups of students. Course includes a weekly seminar.
TED 4302 Elementary Reading - Integrated Language Arts (3)
Pre-requisite(s): TED 1312 Language Arts is comprised of all communication skills-reading, writing, listening, speaking
Students will develop strategies for facilitating communication skills and integrating the language arts across the curriculum.
TED 4303 Comprehension of Expository Texts (3)
Preservice teachers will develop understanding of pedagogies that help elementary students develop proficiency in comprehending expository texts.
TED 4307 Science in the Elementary School (3)
Pre-requisite(s): TED 1312
A study of the content of elementary science. Design and presentation of laboratory activities appropriate to various grade levels.
TED 4308 Social Studies in the Elementary School (3)
Pre-requisite(s): TED 1312
The types, classification, and organization of social studies content. Emphasis on the integration of the historical, geographical, and civic content of the social studies.
TED 4312 Methods of Teaching English as a Second Language (3)
Strategies for teaching English to non-English speaking students at the elementary and secondary levels. Emphasis will be placed upon developing specific instructional approaches appropriate for the individual's language background.
TED 4322 English Curriculum (3)
Instructional methods and teaching aids and materials for the teaching of English in middle and secondary grades. Contemporary concerns relevant to the curriculum development of the English language arts in the components of language, composition, and literature will be stressed.
TED 4325 Science Curriculum (3)
A survey of contemporary school science programs (all sciences) emphasizing their philosophies, designs, and unique methods and strategies for teaching in middle and secondary grades.
TED 4326 Mathematics in the Elementary Grades (3)
Pre-requisite(s): TED 1312
Mathematics content, materials, and conceptual activities for the elementary school. The emphasis of the course is to prepare the elementary school teacher to implement a constructivist approach to the teaching of mathematics based on an understanding of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards. Includes laboratory experiences in teaching mathematics in the elementary school.
TED 4336 Mathematics in the Upper Elementary Grades (3)
Co-requisite(s): TED 3370
The student will be exposed to a wide range of issues and theories in mathematics curriculum and encouraged to relate these to his or her own teaching practices. Opportunities for teaching and observation of teaching will be provided in order to analyze and reflect on teaching practices appropriate for upper elementary grade mathematics.
TED 4337 Mathematics in the Middle School (3)
Pre-requisite(s): TED 4336
Teaching strategies will be analyzed with developmental activities that can be used in middle grades mathematics. Candidates will reflect on what it means to teach mathematics for conceptual understanding and explore the factors that influence instruction. The NCTM Standards for grades 4-8 will be emphasized. Includes laboratory experiences in teaching mathematics in middle grades.
TED 4341 Social Studies Curriculum (3)
Organization, content, research practices, and technology in the social studies curriculum in middle and secondary grades. Includes a discussion of current issues and standards in social studies teaching.
TED 4348 Secondary Mathematics Curriculum (3)
Methods and activities used to actively engage secondary school students in the construction of mathematical concepts. This course includes development of instructional methods, teaching aids, and materials for the teaching of mathematics in the secondary classroom. Contemporary concerns relevant to the development in mathematics curriculum is included.
TED 4349 Critical Issues in Mathematics Education (3)
Teacher candidates will investigate critical issues in the nature of knowledge and inquiry in middle grade and secondary school mathematics. Candidates will explore current issues related to teaching practices and experiences. The NCTM Standards along with relevant research will provide a foundation.
TED 4355 Teaching Economic Geography in Social Studies (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper-level standing or consent of instructor
The focus of this course is to provide EC-4, 4-8, and 7-12 certificate level teacher education students an in-depth exploration of the curriculum and pedagogy of geography education in the social studies with special attention to the intersections of economics and geography. This emphasis guides the course themes which attend to critical geographic and economic approaches to understanding the world and taking informed action to change it.
TED 4361 Curriculum and Teaching in Informal Education Environments (3)
Cross-listed as EDC 5361
This course is designed to engage students in educational program development and teaching experience in an informal setting. Students will examine the attributes of successful informal education (such as museums and zoos) and school partnerships and develop, create, and facilitate a curriculum or professional development project for an informal education site.
TED 4362 Capstone in Informal Education with Practicum (3)
Cross-listed as MST 4362
This course is designed as the final experience for students finishing their minor in informal education and preparing to enter the job market after graduation. Students engage in an immersive practicum experience in the field and design/develop and complete a professional project.
TED 4397 Student Teaching in Private Schools (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Concurrent enrollment in TED 4620, TED 4630, TED 4640, EDP 4650, EDP 4660 or TED 4670
A course designed to extend student teaching to a private school. Students will be involved in full-time student teaching for a minimum of four weeks.
TED 4399 International Internship Comparative Education (3)
This program is designed to extend the teaching experience. For teaching candidates in the School of Education at Baylor University. Teacher candidates will engage in cultural exchange, travel and education programs including three weeks of teaching and a comparative study of educational systems and instructional strategies.
TED 4620 Internship Elementary Part I (6)
Co-requisite(s): TED 4621
Full-time teaching experience in a professional development school. A mentor teacher and resident faculty will support teacher candidates as they gradually assume complete responsibilities for teaching. Course includes two eighty-minute seminars per week.
TED 4621 Internship Elementary Part II (6)
Co-requisite(s): TED 4620
Planning and preparing lessons and materials for full-time teaching. Includes completion of content modules, conferencing with mentor teacher and university instructor, written lesson reflections, observation of lessons taught by master teachers, and preparation of web-based portfolio.
TED 4622 Internship Elementary Part III (6)
Co-requisite(s): TED 4623
TED 4623 Internship Elementary Part IV (6)
Co-requisite(s): TED 4622
TED 4630 Internship Middle Grades Part I (6)
Co-requisite(s): TED 4631
Pre-requisite(s): Grade of B or better in TED 3630
Full-time teaching experience in a professional development or partner school. A mentor teacher and intern-supervisor will support teacher candidates as they gradually assume complete responsibilities for teaching. Course includes a 2-hour weekly seminar
TED 4631 Internship Middle Grades Part II (6)
Co-requisite(s): TED 4630
Pre-requisite(s): Grade of B or better in TED 3630
Planning and preparing lessons and materials for full-time teaching. Includes completion of content modules, conferencing with mentor teacher and intern-supervisor, written lesson reflections, observation of lessons taught, and experiences aligned with the teacher education standards.
TED 4632 Internship Middle Grades Part III (6)
Co-requisite(s): TED 4633
TED 4633 Internship Middle Grades Part IV (6)
Co-requisite(s): TED 4632
TED 4640 Internship Secondary Part I (6)
Co-requisite(s): TED 4641
Pre-requisite(s): Grade of B or better in TED 3342, 3641, and 33XX Secondary Content Practicum Course
Full-time teaching experience in a professional development school. A mentor teacher and resident faculty will support teacher candidates as they gradually assume complete responsibilities for teaching. Course includes one two hour seminar per week.
TED 4641 Internship Secondary Part II (6)
Co-requisite(s): TED 4640
Secondary Content Practicum. Planning and preparing lessons and materials for full-time teaching. Includes completion of content modules, conferencing with mentor teacher and university instructor, written lesson reflections, observation of lessons taught by master teachers, and preparation of electronic portfolio.
TED 4642 Internship Secondary Part III (6)
Co-requisite(s): TED 4643
TED 4643 Internship Secondary Part IV (6)
Co-requisite(s): TED 4642
TED 4652 Internship Gifted and Talented Part III (6)
Co-requisite(s): TED 4653
TED 4653 Internship Gifted and Talented Part IV (6)
Co-requisite(s): TED 4652
TED 4670 Internship Physical Education Part I (6)
Co-requisite(s): TED 4671
Full-time experience in professional development. A mentor teacher and resident faculty will support teacher candidates as they gradually assume complete responsibilities for teaching. Course includes two eighty-minute seminars per week.
TED 4671 Internship Physical Education Part II (6)
Co-requisite(s): TED 4670
Planning and preparing lessons and materials for full-time teaching. Includes completion of content modules, conferencing with mentor teacher and university instructor, written lesson reflections, observation of lessons taught by master teachers, and preparation of web-based portfolio.
TED 4672 Internship Physical Education Part III (6)
Co-requisite(s): TED 4673
TED 4673 Internship Physical Education Part IV (6)
Co-requisite(s): TED 4672
TED 4690 Secondary School Teaching (6)
Pre-requisite(s): TED 3641
A full-time daily supervised teaching experience in a local public school. Students collaborate with classroom teacher to provide instruction under the direction of a university supervisor. Includes weekly seminar with supervisor.
TED 4V98 Special Topics in Teacher Education (1-6)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper-level standing or consent of instructor
Examination of special topics in teacher education focusing on pedagogy, curriculum, and PK-12 field experience professional development. May be repeated once under a different topic not to exceed six semester hours.
Education Psychology (EDP)
EDP 2336 The Developing Child (3)
A study of the physical, cognitive and affective development of a child from prenatal to eighteen years of age. Emphasis is placed on current literature, research findings and developmental theories.
EDP 2350 Teaching Gifted and Talented (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Completion of TED 1312 or concurrent enrollment
This course provides information about characteristics of gifted and talented learners and their needs. Students will learn the role of a teacher and instructional strategies related to guided research that are then applied in one-to-one teaching experiences.
EDP 2360 Teaching Special Education (3)
This course provides initial preparation in the role of a special education teacher. Students will learn teaching techniques and strategies for students with mild disabilities that are then applied in a one-to-one or one-to-two teaching experience.
EDP 3324 Learning and Development (3)
A study of the relationship between development and learning. Physical, cognitive, personal, social, moral, and language development as well as selected theories of learning and motivation are considered. (Credit may not be earned for this course if credit is earned in EDP 3325.)
EDP 3325 Introduction to Educational Psychology (3)
The principles of educational psychology as applied to teaching. Content of the course includes the principles of human growth and development, learning, motivation, and measurement as they relate to the role of the teacher. Special problems related to the effect of cultural and economic factors will also be included. (Credit may not be earned for this course if credit is earned in EDP 3324.)
EDP 3327 Assessment Theory and Exceptionality (3)
A study of the process of collecting data for the purpose of assessing individual differences and making decisions about the education of exceptional students.
EDP 3330 Early Childhood Intervention (ECI): An Interdisciplinary Approach (3)
An introductory course in child development is recommended as a prerequisite. Family-centered, interdisciplinary services for young children at-risk for developmental disabilities. Students will study the history, rationale, controversies, and current best practices within the field of early intervention.
EDP 3334 Collaborative Consultation in Special Education (3)
A course emphasizing collaborative consultation processes with parents, teachers, support personnel, school administrators and students. Includes twenty hours of field experiences.
EDP 3361 Developmental Disabilities (3)
In this course a review of normal human development provides the basis for an in-depth study of the etiology, characteristics, treatment, and prevention of developmental disabilities including autism, cerebral palsy, learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, and seizure disorders.
EDP 3362 Teaching Associate Special Education Part II (3)
Co-requisite(s): EDP 3379
Pre-requisite(s): EDP 3660This practicum provides a field experience in the assessment, education, and management of students with moderate, severe, and profound disabilities
EDP 3368 Assessment of Students with Mild Disabilities (3)
Co-requisite(s): EDP 3470
Pre-requisite(s): EDP 2360
A course focusing on formal and informal assessment currently used in special education for students with mild disabilities. The completion of a case study requiring the administration, scoring, and interpretation of individual assessments in included.
EDP 3376 Applied Behavior Analysis (3)
Analysis and management of problem behaviors. Emphasized topics include behavior measurement techniques, functional assessment procedures, and behavior intervention methods.
EDP 3379 Education of Students with Moderate-Severe Disabilities (3)
Co-requisite(s): EDP 3362
Emphasis is on specially designed instruction and assessment of individuals with moderate to severe disabilities from infancy to adulthood including teaching techniques, assistive technology, and transition.
EDP 3470 Literacy for Students with Special Needs (4)
Co-requisite(s): EDP 3368
Pre-requisite(s): EDP 2360
A lab-based course involving application of methods for teaching oral/written language and reading to students with special needs. Includes sixty hours of field experience.
EDP 3650 Teaching Associate Gifted Education Part I (6)
In this course, teacher candidates teach small groups of gifted and talented and general education students within a specific disciplinary area that matches their certificate areas. The practicum consists of 97.5 hours in a professional development or partner school (7.5 hours per week). Teacher candidates will work with small and large groups of students. Course includes a weekly seminar.
EDP 3660 Teaching Associate Special Education Part I (6)
A practicum of one hundred hours providing experience in adapting instruction for learners with special needs within the general education classroom. Students learn how to manage behavior, adapt lessons, individualize instruction, and correlate multi-level materials in a field-based setting. Course includes a weekly seminar.
EDP 4341 The Adult Learner (3)
Characteristics of the young and mature adult learners with an emphasis on intellectual and social development. An analysis of theories of adult learning is included.
EDP 4350 Introduction to Gifted Education (3)
Introduces students to policies, theories, and models of gifted education including talent development and advanced academic programs from elementary school through high school. Students learn specialized approaches to teaching consistent with the goals of gifted education, honors programs, and advanced academics.
EDP 4351 Differentiated Instruction (3)
Historical, philosophical, and theoretical background of curriculum differentiation and specific strategies to adapt instruction for individual student differences related to rate, content, and preferences. Emphasis on best practices in differentiated instruction as demonstrated by empirical research.
EDP 4352 Exceptionalities (3)
Historical foundations, laws, policies, and issues regarding definitions and the identification of individuals with exceptional learning needs, including those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
EDP 4379 Education of Students with Moderate-Severe Disabilities (3)
Co-requisite(s): EDP 4377
Pre-requisite(s): EDP 3376 and admission to teacher education
Types, characteristics, etiologies, education and treatment of individuals with moderate to severe disabilities from infancy to adulthood.
EDP 4383 Adapting Instruction for Special Needs Learners (3)
Co-requisite(s): EDP 4378
Pre-requisite(s): EDP 3376 and admission to teacher education; EDP 4378
Students acquire various methods for adapting for learner differences within the general education classroom including redesigning direct teaching lessons, developing assessment tasks, correlating multi-level activities, individualizing, and mastery learning. Emphasis will be placed on strategies for classroom organization and management such as grouping, scheduling, room arrangement, and record keeping.
EDP 4468 Math for Learners with Special Needs (4)
Pre-requisite(s): EDP 2445 and admission to teacher education
A field-based course involving application of direct instruction methods in mathematics to students with a variety of learning needs. Emphasis is placed on analyzing and sequencing the essential elements of mathematics to facilitate mastery. Includes sixty hours of field experience in a multicultural setting.
EDP 4650 Internship Gifted and Talented Part I (6)
Co-requisite(s): EDP 4651
Full-time teaching experience in a classroom with specific emphasis on gifted and talented students. A mentor teacher and resident faculty will support teacher candidates as they gradually assume complete responsibilities for teaching. Course includes two eighty-minute seminars per week.
EDP 4651 Internship for Gifted and Talented Part II (6)
Co-requisite(s): EDP 4650
Planning and preparing lessons and materials for full-time teaching with specific emphasis on gifted and talented students. Include completion of content modules, conferencing with mentor teacher and university instructor, written lesson reflections, observation of lessons taught by master teachers, and preparation of web-based portfolio.
EDP 4660 Internship Special Education Part I (6)
Co-requisite(s): EDP 4661
Pre-requisite(s): Grade of B or better in EDP 3660
Full-time teaching experience in a professional development school with students who have special learning needs. A special education mentor teacher and resident faculty will support teacher candidates as they gradually assume complete responsibilities for teaching. Course includes two eighty-minute seminars per week.
EDP 4661 Internship Special Education Part II (6)
Co-requisite(s): EDP 4660
Pre-requisite(s): Grade of B or better in EDP 3660
Planning and preparing lessons and materials for full-time teaching of students with special needs. Includes completion of content modules, conferencing with mentor teacher and university instructor, written lesson reflections observation of lessons taught by master teachers, and preparation of web-based portfolio.
EDP 4662 Internship Special Education Part III (6)
Co-requisite(s): EDP 4663
Pre-requisite(s): Grade of B or better in EDP 3660 and EDP 3661
EDP 4663 Internship Special Education Part IV (6)
Co-requisite(s): EDP 4662
Pre-requisite(s): Grade of B or better in EDP 3660 and EDP 3661
EDP 4V75 Practicum: Teaching in Today's Schools (1-6)
Pre-requisite(s): Consent of instructor
A practicum for students in the two-semester professional development school cohort. The course provides supervised practice in all student teacher proficiencies. This experience includes practice in: classroom organization and management, assessment, planning/delivery of instruction, adapting instruction for individual needs, collaboration technology and professionalism. A minimum of 40 hours of experience is required for each hour of credit.
Leadership Development (LDS)
LDS 1301 Introduction to Leadership (3)
Provides insights into a student's present leadership strengths and developmental needs. Prepares students for leadership positions, focusing on topics such as a philosophy of leadership, the role of power and authority in leadership, and goal setting for leadership development.
LDS 2301 Leadership and Vocation (3)
Pre-requisite(s): LDS 1301
This course explores personal strengths, values and aspirations for influencing the world through a unique vocation or calling. Through this experience, students will become committed to their own personal growth as a human being, as well as to the personal growth of others in the class. In addition, applications of a variety of historical and contemporary perspectives on vocation and calling will be emphasized.
LDS 3301 Organizational Leadership (3)
This course is designed for student leaders with a desire to explore organizational theory and systems. The course will further develop a student’s understanding of how these systems and theories influence culture, behaviors, and organizational effectiveness. Students will examine their own leadership styles and how that approach fits into the organization, its members, and mission.
LDS 3302 Christian Leadership in Residential Communities (3)
The purpose of this class is to explore how Christian Leadership can be used to develop residential communities. Specifically, we will explore how authentic Christian community is formed by leaders who employ techniques related to spiritual wellness, God-given strengths, relational approaches, inclusivity, and other aspects of community development. Using the Community Leader position at Baylor University as an experiential framework, this class will provide both philosophical and application opportunities to hone a student’s ability to be a Christian leader of communities.
LDS 3304 Peer Leadership for Health and Wellness (3)
This course uses an experiential pedagogy to broaden students’ development as leaders. Experiential learning provides a comprehensive approach to learning that integrates theory, practice, implementation, and reflection. Through your experience as peer leaders you will be challenged to examine your understanding of leadership, as well as reflect on your own leadership and that of others. In the Health and Wellness Leadership course specifically, students will gain a broad understanding of current health topics of college students and ways to properly address and respond to these topics in both a presentation and mentoring setting.
LDS 3305 Peer Leadership for Community Engagement and Service (3)
This course uses an experiential pedagogy to broaden students’ development as leaders; a comprehensive approach to learning that integrates theory, practice, implementation and reflection. Through experience as a peer leader, students will examine their understandings of leadership, and reflect on their own and other’s leadership development.
LDS 3306 Peer Leadership for Student Experience (3)
This course uses an experiential pedagogy to broaden students’ development as leaders; a comprehensive approach to learning that integrates theory, practice, implementation and reflection. Through experience as a peer leader, students will examine their understandings of leadership, and reflect on their own and other’s leadership development.
LDS 3307 Leadership and Student Thriving (3)
This course explores the topic of leadership by examining ideas about people at their best. Foundational to the course are principles from Positive Psychology about well-being, optimal functioning and thriving during the college years, as well as approaches to leadership that leverage individual strengths and passions. The class will focus on six themes: thriving in college and beyond, understanding yourself, leading yourself, understanding others, engaging in community, and living out leadership and calling.
LDS 3308 Interfaith Leadership (3)
This course will explore theoretical and practical issues related to leadership across and inclusive of different faiths. We will discuss various civic and spiritual practices related to leadership and religious identity. Students will consider their own sense of formation and worldview through reading, writing, class discussion, and co-curricular experiences in order to cultivate spiritual growth, civic capacity, and intercultural skills.
LDS 3309 Mental Health Peer Leadership (3)
This course uses experiential learning to educate Mental Health Peer Leaders on the pertinent topics of mental health and illness and to equip them to break down mental health stigma and empower their peers to also challenge negative beliefs or attitudes.
LDS 3310 Talent and Development (3)
Pre-requisite(s): LDS 2301 or CCS 2301
Talent, development, and success are fascinating topics, but few understand the theory and research behind what leads to excellence in any field. This course examines the science, theory, and research behind talent, development, success, critical thinking, and expertise. Students will learn what is known and unknown by scholars about these phenomena, as well as pathways for developing talent in themselves and others.
LDS 3311 Leadership Through Informed Engagement (3)
Pre-requisite(s): LDS 2301 or CCS 2301
This interdisciplinary course is designed to engage students in a critical conversation about leadership and community engagement. It challenges students to reflect on their understanding of leadership, community engagement, and the intersection of the two. Students will engage in this discussion drawing specifically on their experiences as a Baylor student. They will participate in critical discussions about what it means to participate in informed engagement.
LDS 3312 Leadership for 21st Century America (3)
Pre-requisite(s): LDS 2301 or CCS 2301
This course will address the changing demographics of our global community of the 21st century. The future of leadership will be complex in terms of practices that are impacted by a changing diversity of "world citizens" and it will demand an understanding of geographic, economic, cultural, political, religious, and linguistic mediums. This course will address these skills and areas of knowledge.
LDS 3370 Aviation Leadership (3)
See AVS 3370 for course information.
LDS 3V01 Special Topics in Leadership (1-6)
Pre-requisite(s): LDS 1301
Each Special Topics in Leadership course will focus on a specific area of leadership (e.g. Women in Leadership or Leadership in a Multicultural Society). May be repeated under different topic for a total of 9 credit hours.