Human Sciences and Design
As one of the four units in the Robbins College of Health and Human Sciences, the Department of Human Sciences and Design offers six majors which seek to improve the quality of life of individuals, families, and communities. As of Summer 2015, departmental courses will be offered under five prefixes: ADM (Apparel Design/Merchandising), CFS (Child and Family Studies), HSD (cross-disciplinary Human Sciences and Design), ID (Interior Design), and NUTR (Nutrition Sciences). For Human Sciences and Design courses (ADM, CFS, HSD, ID, or NUTR) that are pre-requisites for other courses, students must receive a grade of C or better to advance to the next course. Any (ADM, CFS, HSD, ID, or NUTR) course may be repeated only two times for students to continue in the Human Sciences and Design major or minor.