Religion (REL)

REL 1310  The Christian Scriptures  (3)  
An introduction to the Old and New Testaments (their contents, historical backgrounds, and major themes), and to appropriate strategies for interpretation of the Bible.
REL 1350  The Christian Heritage  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310  
An introduction to Christian life and thought, from the early church to the present, through an examination of texts and practices with an emphasis on Christian doctrine, ethics, witness and institutions.
REL 2480  Introduction to Ministry  (4)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310, 1350 and sophomore standing or above  
The church and its ministry, including leadership, and functions of ministry, with a special attention to the history, heritage, distinctive characteristics, and cooperative efforts of Baptists. Includes an internship under the supervision of an area minister.
REL 3301  Psalms and Wisdom Literature  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350  
A study of the worship and wisdom literature of the Old Testament: the books of Psalms, Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes.
REL 3303  Archaeology and the Bible  (3)  
Cross-listed as ARC 3303  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350; and upper-level standing  
An introduction to Biblical archaeology with emphasis on the archaeological discoveries which relate significantly to the understanding and interpretation of the Bible.
REL 3304  Prophets  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350  
A study of Old Testament prophecy emphasizing the prophetic books-their origins, times, and messages.
REL 3305  Interpreting the Old Testament  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350  
Analysis of the literature of the Old Testament, examining various methods used in Old Testament study. Attention will be given to relevant bibliography, leading scholars, and major issues in current Old Testament study.
REL 3307  Former Prophets  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and REL 1350  
The Former Prophets (Joshua, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel, and 1 and 2 Kings) as narrative, with attention to relevant historical, theological and literary issues.
REL 3308  The Literature of the Pentateuch: Narrative, Poetry, Genealogy, and Law  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350  
The first five books of the Old Testament with attention to the Pentateuch’s distinct literary forms, their historical and cultural contexts, and the intersecting visions of reality these texts offer.
REL 3309  Advanced Biblical Hebrew I  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): HEB 1302 or its equivalent  
Selected readings in narrative prose of the Hebrew Bible with attention to advanced grammar and syntax.
REL 3310  Advanced Biblical Hebrew II  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): HEB 2310 or REL 3309 or equivalent  
Selected readings in poetic texts of the Hebrew Bible with attention to advanced grammar and syntax.
REL 3311  Jesus and the Gospels  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350  
A study of the portrayal of Jesus in the New Testament Gospels and an introduction to the question of "the historical Jesus.
REL 3312  The Johannine Literature  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350  
A study of the Johannine Literature with special attention to the historical setting, literary design, theological themes, and interpretations of the Gospel and Epistles of John.
REL 3314  Paul and His Writings  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350  
A study of the life and letters of the apostle Paul.
REL 3315  The General Epistles  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350  
A study of Hebrews, James, 1 and 2 Peter, Jude, and 1, 2, and 3 John.
REL 3319  Interpreting the New Testament  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350  
Analysis of literature of the New Testament, examining various methodologies, both historical and contemporary, in New Testament study. Attention will be given to relevant bibliography, leading scholars, and major issues in current New Testament study.
REL 3320  Advanced Classical and Biblical Greek I  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): GKC 1302 or its equivalent  
Selected readings from Plato and the Gospels with attention to advanced syntax and to the interpretive relationship between Classical and New Testament texts.
REL 3321  Advanced Classical and Biblical Greek II  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): GKC 2320 or its equivalent  
Readings in Homer's Odyssey with continued emphasis on Greek syntax and the interpretive relationship between Classical and New Testament texts.
REL 3325  Women and Gender in the Old Testament  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and REL 1350  
Examines the characterization and roles of women and gender construction in the Old Testament and the various ways these text are interpreted.
REL 3330  Introduction to Church History  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350  
A survey of church history from New Testament times to the present.
REL 3331  Topics in Historical Studies  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350  
Major themes or movements in church history. The course may be repeated once with a different topic.
REL 3333  History of Roman Catholicism  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350  
Historical and theological developments of Roman Catholicism from the patristic period to the present. Special attention will be directed toward individuals, movements, and councils.
REL 3338  Women in Christian History  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350  
A survey of the role of women in Christian history from the early church to the present.
REL 3339  Law and Religion in the United States  (3)  
Cross-listed as CHS 3339, PHI 3339, PSC 3339  
See PHI 3339 for course information.
REL 3340  Religion and Society  (3)  
Cross-listed as SOC 3309  
See SOC 3309 for course information.
REL 3344  New Religious Movements in the United States  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350  
The origin, development, and teachings of various New Religious Movements from a sociological, theological, phenomenological, and historical perspective.
REL 3345  World Religions  (3)  
Cross-listed as AST 3345  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350 or BIC 3358  
Historical, aesthetic, philosophical, anthropological, sociological, and psychological approaches to the major faith traditions of our world.
REL 3348  The Holocaust  (3)  
Cross-listed as HIS 4342  
Pre-requisite(s): Nine semester hours of history or consent of the instructor  
An in-depth exploration of the history of Nazi Germany’s systematic mass murder of European Jews and other minorities during World War 2. Emphasis on anti-Semitism, the political cult of personality in Nazi Germany, the perpetrators of the Holocaust, Jewish reactions to the Holocaust, and the memory of the Holocaust
REL 3351  Introduction to Christian Theology  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350  
Central doctrines of the Christian faith: revelation, the person and work of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit election, man, sin, Holy Scripture, and reconciliation. Classical and contemporary theological formulations will be used as illustrative material.
REL 3354  Christianity and the Arts  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and REL 1350  
Examines the historical entanglements of Christianity and arts and explores frameworks for theologically interpreting artworks today.
REL 3370  Religion and Literature  (3)  
Cross-listed as ENG 3370  
See ENG 3370 for course information.
REL 3381  Communication in Ministry  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350  
A study and practice of effective communication in ministry.
REL 3382  Cross-Cultural Ministry  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and REL 1350  
Issues related to cross-cultural ministry and contemporary approaches for Christian missions.
REL 3390  Christian Ethics  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350  
Introduction to Christian Ethics through texts from Christian thinkers. By examining primary sources and varied approaches to Christian ethical reflection, students develop critical assessments of contemporary moral issues including family life, economic systems, and violence and war.
REL 3391  Global Ethics  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310, 1350  
The major theoretical and applied debates in the field of global ethics (ethics in global context, approached using a variety of methodologies, including but not limited to traditional Christian ethical approaches).
REL 3394  War and Peace in the Christian Tradition  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350  
An examination of relevant Biblical materials and their interpretation and application throughout Christian history. An analysis of three major historical positions; pacifism, just war, and crusade, and an examination of contemporary expressions in scholarship, public policy, and popular thought.
REL 3396  Christianity and Films  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350  
Film viewing and critiquing of films from an ethical-theological perspective. This course will not be accepted for credit toward the six hour religion requirement by the university.
REL 3397  Gender, Feminism and Theology  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350  
Christian theology through the lenses of gender and feminism, including questions, critiques, and arguments of feminist theologians.
REL 3V00  Biblical Journeys in the Holy Land  (1-3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350  
A tour and intensive study of the Holy Land, focusing on the geological, historical, archaeological, cultural, and theological contexts of the land of the Bible.
REL 3V02  Undergraduate Research/Experiential Learning  (1-3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and REL 1350  
Supervised undergraduate research or experiential learning in the field of religion. The course may be repeated for up to three semester hours of credit.
REL 3V9R  Research  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): Consent of the instructor  
Undergraduate research undertaken with the supervision of a faculty member. May be taken for a maximum of 6 hours.
REL 4300  Special Topics in Religion  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350; and upper-level standing  
Special topics of study in the discipline of religion, especially in areas not covered in the regular curriculum. The course may be repeated once when content differs.
REL 4302  Archaeology and the Ancient Near East  (3)  
Cross-listed as ARC 4302  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350; and upper-level standing  
Ancient Near East, its history, culture, and religion as evidenced through archaeological excavation and the interpretation of archaeological data. The focus of the course will be upon the Biblical period.
REL 4303  Aramaic  (3)  
Cross-listed as ARA 4303  
See ARA 4303 for course information.
REL 4304  Syriac  (3)  
Cross-listed as SYR 4304  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310, 1350 and Upper-level standing  
Introduction to ancient Syriac with selected readings from Syriac manuscripts of biblical books as well as early Christian literature.
REL 4305  Topics in Old Testament Studies  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350; and upper-level standing  
A designated book, group of books, or major theme from the Old Testament. The course may be taken up to three times when content differs.
REL 4315  Topics in New Testament Studies  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350; and upper-level standing  
A designated book, group of books, or major theme from the New Testament. The course may be taken up to three times when content differs.
REL 4316  Readings in the Greek New Testament and Early Christian Literature  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): GKC 2310 and 2320 or REL 3320 and 3321  
Language and literature of the New Testament and other early Christian writings including sample texts from a variety of early Christian genres (epistles, narratives, apocalyptic, etc.).
REL 4317  Early Christianity and Identity in the Roman World  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310, 1350; and upper-level standing  
The study of the rise of early Christianity and the complexity of Christian identity in the Roman world.
REL 4333  History of Protestantism  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350; and upper-level standing  
History of Protestant Christianity from the precursors of Martin Luther to the present with emphasis upon the sixteenth-century Reformation, the various confessional traditions and major theological issues, the major developments affecting modern Protestantism, and the present state and future of Protestantism. The study will focus on Europe and North America.
REL 4335  Baptist Life and Thought  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310, 1350 and upper-level standing  
Baptist history and thought to the present, including the outreach of Baptist missions. The development of basic doctrine and polity within their historical settings, with special attention to biographies of important Baptist men and women.
REL 4336  Introduction to Religion in America  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350; and upper-level standing  
American religious heritage with emphasis on its organization, expansion, thought, worship, and impact on American society.
REL 4337  The European Reformation  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350  
The theology and historical context of the Magisterial, Radical, and Catholic sixteenth-century European Reformation.
REL 4338  Women in Religion in America  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350; and upper-level standing  
The role of women in religion in America from colonial times to the present.
REL 4340  Christian Missions  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350; and upper-level standing  
Biblical basis for missions, the expansion of Christianity, the encounter with non-Christian traditions, and contemporary rationales for Christian missions.
REL 4341  World Christianity  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350  
Theologies and practices of Christian communities in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and among immigrant Christian communities in the US and Europe, including cross-cultural encounters, inter-religious dialogue, global south Christian spirituality, and health and environmental issues.
REL 4342  Christianity and the World Religions  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350  
The exchange and encounter between Christianity and the major world religions. Focus on religious worldviews, major events, religious and political trends, the history of missions, and a post-colonial critique of religious pluralism.
REL 4343  Topics in Islam  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350; and upper-level standing  
The tenets, doctrines, and sects of Islam, including the religious underpinnings of Islamic society. Field trip required. The course may be repeated once with a different topic.
REL 4346  Topics in Asian Religions  (3)  
Cross-listed as AST 4346  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350; and upper-level standing  
The basic history, beliefs and practices of religions in Asia. Course may highlight a specific religious tradition. The course may be repeated once with different topic.
REL 4347  Topics in African Religions  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350  
History of religious expression in Africa plus contemporary changes as African religious traditions interact. With content changed, this course may be repeated once for a maximum of 6 semester hours.
REL 4348  Modern Judaism  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310, 1350 and upper-level standing  
Trends in 20th Century in Jewish thought, including Zionism, post-Holocaust thought, movements of Jewish renewal, and ecumenical relations.
REL 4349  The World's Religions and Violence  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350  
Modern violence (particularly war, atrocity, and genocide) and how the religious traditions of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Shinto, Sikhism, Jainism, and Zoroastrianism understand, challenge, and participate in it.
REL 4350  Augustine's Theological Development  (3)  
Cross-listed as CLA 4350  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350; and upper-level standing  
Selected writings of Augustine that focus on such themes as the problem of evil, scriptural hermeneutics, his theological anthropology, and his Trinitarian theology.
REL 4355  Salvation  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350  
Development of the doctrine of Salvation through the centuries, including theories of atonement, models of salvation, and how they function in the contemporary church.
REL 4356  Christian Persecution and Martyrdom in the Roman World  (3)  
Cross-listed as CLA 4356  
See CLA 4356 for course information.
REL 4357  Pagans and Christians in the Later Roman World  (3)  
Cross-listed as CLA 4357  
See CLA 4357 for course information.
REL 4374  Leadership in Ministry  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310, 1350 and upper-level standing  
The principles and models of effective leadership in ministry.
REL 4388  Christian Literary Classics  (3)  
Cross-listed as ENG 4388  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350; and upper level standing  
A study of the various ways in which theological and imaginative excellence is displayed in such classic Christian authors as Augustine, Dante, Herbert, Bunyan, and Hopkins.
REL 4389  Disability Ethics  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350  
Disability ethics, a unique field within in Christian ethics/theology, focuses on helping students understand various aspects of disability, what it has to teach Christians about God and one another, and how to include people with disabilities in worshipping communities.
REL 4390  Contemporary Christian Ethics Theory  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350; and upper-level standing  
Designated theme, issue, or person in contemporary Christian ethical theory. The course may be taken up to three times when content differs.
REL 4393  Environmental Ethics  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350; and upper-level standing  
Moral perspectives which inform and support environmental activity in our society. The primary focus will be on the various interpretations of how humanity is properly related to its environment and the consequences of these interpretations for the environmental action of individuals and social institutions.
REL 4395  Bioethics  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350 or BIC 3358; and upper level-standing  
Ethical issues in the fields of health care and other life sciences. Some of the issues studied include behavior modification, abortion, euthanasia, health care delivery, human experimentation, and genetic modification. A major research project on a selected issue approved by the professor will be required of each student.
REL 4396  Religion and Sport  (3)  
Cross-listed as HP 4396  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350; and upper-level standing  
This course explores the relationship between religion and sport, focusing on the issues of the sacred (persons, objects, time, space, communities), myth, theology, ritual, and experience. This course will not be accepted for credit toward a major or minor in religion or toward the six hour religion requirement by the University.
REL 4397  Race, Racism, and Religion in America  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310, REL 1350; and upper-level standing  
Survey of dominant theological perspectives on race and histories of racism in American Christianity, as well as religious resources for racial reconciliation.
REL 4398  Sports-Related Ethics  (3)  
Cross-listed as HP 4398  
See HP 4398 for course information.
REL 4399  Senior Seminar  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): Senior standing  
A senior level course required of all students majoring in religion. The seminar provides opportunity for reflection on the various disciplines and their interconnectedness in religious studies through assigned reading and directed research.
REL 4V06  Palestinian Archaeology  (1-6)  
Pre-requisite(s): REL 1310 and 1350; and upper-level standing  
Archaeology of Palestine through readings, lectures, travel to excavated sites in Palestine, and participation in excavation at a selected site of major importance in Palestine. May be repeated once for credit.
REL 4V9R  Research  (3)  
Pre-requisite(s): Consent of the instructor  
Undergraduate research undertaken with the supervision of a faculty member. May be taken for a maximum of 6 hours.