Engineering & Computer Science (ECS)

ECS 1101  ECS Leadership Development Seminar  (1)  
Pre-requisite(s): For engineering and computer science students only  
Provides insights into a student's present leadership strength and development needs. Prepares students for leadership positions, focusing on topics such as a philosophy of leadership, the role of power and authority in leadership, ethics, and goal setting for leadership development.
ECS 1V10  Renaissance Scholar: Technology and the Arts  (1-3)  
Pre-requisite(s): Consent of instructor  
A Renaissance Scholar is someone who is conversant across the entire range of human knowledge, from science to philosophy and technology to literature. Through the ages, people have strived to find meaning in their lives, to understand the world around them, and to use their creativity and ingenuity to improve both. Baylor's summer Renaissance Scholar program starts students on the path toward joining the ranks of the great scholars of the past. Issues of both historical and contemporary interest are considered from the perspectives of science, technology, literature, philosophy, theology, and even contemporary film. Students complement readings in the great texts of the world with the design, development, and implementation of two ancient engineering projects. Emphasis is placed on the theory and practical application of scientific and engineering concepts such as the harnessing of energy and the mythical stories that have inspired such activity, the desire for exploration, and the quest for knowledge ranging from ancient tales of self-discovery to the modern exploration of the cosmos.
ECS 1V90  Special Topics in Freshman Engineering and Computer Science  (1-4)  
Introductory topics in engineering or computer science. The course may be repeated when topics vary.
ECS 2101  ECS Professional Development  (1)  
Pre-requisite(s): Only open to majors in the School of Engineering and Computer Science  
Personal development and branding, professional etiquette, resume production, career research, and interviewing skills. Exploration of career options, including assessments, internships, job search process, and graduate school admission. Topics will be customized for students pursuing majors in the School of Engineering and Computer Science.
ECS 3301  Peer Leadership  (3)  
The class equips students to serve as peer leaders to new students in their first semester at Baylor.