Chinese (CHI)
CHI 1101 Chinese Language Workshop (1)
For music students, supplemental language training to accompany regular 1301 language sections.
CHI 1102 Chinese Language Workshop (1)
For music students, supplemental language training to accompany regular 1302 language sections.
CHI 1301 Elementary Chinese (3)
Introduction to the Chinese language and culture; practice in three communicative modes: interpersonal, presentational (speaking, writing), and interpretive (listening, reading). Designed to help students progress through novice proficiency levels
CHI 1302 Elementary Chinese (3)
Pre-requisite(s): CHI 1301 or 2 units of high school Chinese
Introduction to the Chinese language and culture; practice in three communicative modes: interpersonal, presentational (speaking, writing), and interpretive (listening, reading). Designed to help students progress from novice toward intermediate-level proficiency
CHI 2310 Intermediate Chinese (3)
Pre-requisite(s): CHI 1302 or three units of high school Chinese
Practice in three communicative modes at intermediate-level proficiency: interpersonal, presentational (speaking, writing), and interpretive (listening, reading). Designed to help students attain intermediate-level proficiency in Chinese.
CHI 2320 Intermediate Chinese for Communication (3)
Prerequisite(s) CHI 2310 or four units of high school Chinese. This course intends to develop spoken and communicative skills in Chinese at the Intermediate Level. Practice in three communicative modes at intermediate-level proficiency: interpersonal, presentational (speaking, writing), and interpretive (listening, reading).
CHI 3301 Chinese Conversation, Composition, and Readings I (3)
Pre-requisite(s): CHI 2320 or consent of division director
Development of communication and reading skills.
CHI 3302 Chinese Conversation, Composition, and Readings II (3)
Pre-requisite(s): CHI 2320 or consent of division director
Continuation of CHI 3301.
CHI 3305 Chinese for Business I (3)
Pre-requisite(s): CHI 2320 or consent of instructor
Designed to help students develop competency in using Chinese in business contexts; practice in three communicative modes: interpersonal, presentational (speaking, writing), and interpretive (listening, reading). Classes conducted in Chinese.
CHI 3306 Chinese for Business II (3)
Pre-requisite(s): CHI 2320 or consent of instructor
Development of advanced communicative skills in Chinese, through a focus on China's fast-changing economy and business. Uses business case studies to foment understanding of Chinese business culture and practices.
CHI 3310 Chinese Language and Culture through Films (3)
Pre-requisite(s): CHI 2320 or consent of instructor
Use of Chinese films to help students improve language proficiency to the advanced level; practice in three communicative modes: interpersonal, presentational (speaking, writing), and interpretive (listening, reading).
CHI 3V70 Special Problems (1-3)
Pre-requisite(s): Consent of division director
With content changed, this course may be repeated once for credit.
CHI 3V9R Research (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Consent of the instructor
Undergraduate research undertaken with the supervision of a faculty member. May be taken for a maximum of 6 hours.
CHI 4301 Chinese Literature and Culture I (3)
Pre-requisite(s): CHI 3301 or consent of instructor
An immersive exploration of China's rich literary heritage and its profound impact on Chinese culture. Examines classical and contemporary Chinese poetry, prose, and drama, along with the cultural, historical, and philosophical contexts shaping the Chinese literary tradition. CHI 4301 is designed for students with a strong foundation in Chinese language and culture, offering a higher level of engagement with the subject matter.
CHI 4302 Chinese Literature and Culture II (3)
Pre-requisite(s): CHI 3301 or consent of instructor
Building on the foundation of CHI 4301, examines modern and contemporary Chinese literature with a comprehensive exploration of the literary and cultural landscapes of 20th and 21st-century China. Provides an in-depth analysis of modern Chinese literary movements, contemporary authors, and their engagement with social, political, and global issues.
CHI 4305 Selected Works from Contemporary Chinese Literature (3)
Cross-listed as AST 4306
Pre-requisite(s): CHI 3301 or consent of instructor
The study of selected thought-provoking and culturally significant literary works, including those of Wang Anyi, Mo Yan, and Yu Hua. Students will gain a deeper appreciation for the complexity and diversity of voices within Chinese literature while developing their critical thinking skills.
CHI 4306 Chinese Cinema, Literature, and Culture (3)
Cross-listed as FDM 4306
Pre-requisite(s): CHI 3301 or consent of instructor
Examines the cultural, social, and political aspects of contemporary China through film and literature. Combines critical analysis and cultural appreciation to provide a comprehensive understanding of China's artistic, cultural and symbolic space.
CHI 4V9R Research (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Consent of the instructor
Undergraduate research undertaken with the supervision of a faculty member. May be taken for a maximum of 6 hours.