Aviation Sciences (Professional Pilot - Helicopter), B.S.A.

Requirements for a Major in Aviation Sciences (Professional Pilot - Helicopter)

Seventy semester hours including the following:
Required Courses
AVS 1361Private Pilot Helicopter Flight3
AVS 2362Instrument/Commercial I Helicopter Flight3
AVS 2363Instrument/Commercial II Helicopter Flight3
AVS 3364CFI Helicopter Flight3
AVS 4265CFI-I Helicopter Flight2
AVS 4266NVG Helicopter Flight2
Thirty-nine semester hours required from Baylor to include:
AVS 1300Introduction to Aviation3
AVS 1301Air Navigation3
AVS 1302Private Pilot Ground School3
AVS 1303Instrument Rating Ground School3
AVS 1313Introduction to Meteorology3
AVS 2304Commercial Pilot Ground School3
AVS 3304Fundamentals of Instruction (FOI) Ground School3
AVS 3305Flight Instructor Ground School 13
AVS 3310Aviation Law3
AVS 3311Aircraft Accident Investigation and Prevention3
AVS 3312Aviation Safety3
AVS 3315Aviation Meteorology3
AVS 4314Advanced Aircraft Systems3
AVS 4315Aerodynamics3
Select fifteen semester hours from the following:15
Flight Crew Career Development
Space Weather
Aviation Leadership
Aerospace Propulsion Systems
Avionics System Design
Crew Resource Managment (CRM) in Aviation
Aviation Management
Internship in Aviation
Required Courses in Other Fields
MTH 1321Calculus I3
MTH 1322Calculus II3
or STA 2381 Introductory Statistical Methods
PHY 1408General Physics for Natural and Behavioral Sciences I4
or PHY 1420 General Physics I
Total Hours83

Students in previous catalog years may have to take AVS 3304 as a pre-requisite for AVS 3305.