FDM 1101 New Student Seminar in Film & Digital Media (1)
FDM 1197 Practicum in Production (1)
FDM 1198 Practicum in Grip and Lighting Equipment (1)
Pre-requisite(s): Consent of instructor
FDM 1199 Practicum in Video and Audio Equipment (1)
Pre-requisite(s): Consent of instructor
FDM 1201 Practicum in FDM Equipment (2)
FDM 1303 Introduction to Mass Communication (3)
FDM 1304 Visual Literacy: Sight, Sound, Motion (3)
FDM 1309 Introduction to Film (3)
FDM 1V9R Research (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Consent of the instructor
FDM 2351 History of Motion Pictures (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Not open to Pre-Film and Digital Media students
FDM 2352 History of Radio and Television (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Not open to Pre-Film and Digital Media students
FDM 2360 Production Methods (3)
FDM 2V9R Research (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Consent of the instructor
FDM 3315 Broadcast Writing (3)
FDM 3320 Business of Media (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper-level standing or consent of instructor
FDM 3321 Media Programming (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper-level standing or consent of instructor
FDM 3345 Introduction to Russian Film: Culture and Identity (3)
FDM 3346 Introduction to East European Film and Culture (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper-level standing or consent of instructor
FDM 3361 Production Methods II (3)
FDM 3371 Writing for Visual Media (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper-level standing or consent of instructor; not open to Pre-Film and Digital Media students
FDM 3372 Writing for Media Markets (3)
FDM 3373 Screenwriting (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper-level standing
FDM 3374 Television Writing (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper-level standing
FDM 3380 Sound Design (3)
FDM 3V9R Research (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Consent of the instructor
FDM 4306 Chinese Cinema, Literature, and Culture (3)
Pre-requisite(s): CHI 3301 or consent of instructor FDM 4313 Diffusion of Innovations (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper-level standing or consent of instructor
FDM 4314 Digital Media Technologies (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper-level standing or consent of instructor
FDM 4315 Sports Media Production (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper-level standing or consent of instructor; not open to Pre-Film and Digital Media students
FDM 4330 Survey of French Cinema (3)
FDM 4340 Media and Society (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper-level standing or consent of instructor
FDM 4341 Electronic Culture (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper-level standing or consent of instructor
FDM 4342 Art and the Moving Image (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper-level standing or consent of instructor
FDM 4343 Film and Media Theory (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper-level standing or consent of instructor
FDM 4344 Film Criticism (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper-level standing or consent of instructor
FDM 4346 History of the Documentary (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper-level standing or consent of instructor
FDM 4347 Communication and Culture (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper-level standing or consent of instructor
FDM 4348 Religion and Film (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper-level standing or consent of instructor
FDM 4351 Sports Media Production (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper-level standing or consent of instructor; not open to Pre-Film and Digital Media students
FDM 4360 Pre-Production (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper-level standing or consent of instructor
FDM 4361 Audio Production (3)
Pre-requisite(s): FDM 3361 or consent of instructor FDM 4362 Short Film Production (3)
FDM 4364 Interactive Media (3)
Pre-requisite(s): FDM 3361 or consent of instructor FDM 4365 Lighting and Cinematography (3)
Pre-requisite(s): FDM 3361 or consent of instructor FDM 4366 Post Production (3)
Pre-requisite(s): FDM 3361 or consent of instructor FDM 4367 Film and Video Direction (3)
Pre-requisite(s): FDM 3361 or consent of instructor FDM 4369 Producing (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper level standing or permission of instructor
FDM 4370 Production Workshop (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Consent of instructor
FDM 4371 Advanced Sound Design (3)
FDM 4372 Advanced Post-Production (3)
Pre-requisite(s): FDM 4366 or consent of instructor FDM 4373 Advanced Screenwriting (3)
FDM 4374 Acting for Film & Digital Media Majors (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper-level standing or consent of instructor
FDM 4375 Advanced Digital Production (3)
Pre-requisite(s): FDM 3361, FDM 4365, and consent of instructor; not open to pre-Film and Digital Media majors FDM 4376 Producing the Short Film (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper-level standing or consent of instructor
FDM 4380 Topics in Media History (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper-level standing or consent of instructor
FDM 4381 Topics in Media Management and Technology (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper-level standing or consent of instructor
FDM 4382 Topics in Media Storytelling (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper-level standing or consent of instructor
FDM 4384 Topics in National Media (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper-level standing or consent of instructor
FDM 4388 Topics in Media Production (3)
Pre-requisite(s): FDM 3361 or consent of instructor FDM 4396 Topics in Media Genres (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper-level standing or consent of instructor
FDM 4397 Topics in Contemporary Cinema (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Upper-level standing
FDM 4V03 Internship in Electronic and Film Media (1-6)
Pre-requisite(s): Undergraduate: fifteen hours in major; graduate: consent of graduate director
FDM 4V30 Seminar in Electronic and Film Media (1-3)
Pre-requisite(s): Not open to Pre-Film and Digital Media students
FDM 4V85 Special Problems in Telecommunication (1-3)
Pre-requisite(s): Fifteen semester hours in Communication Studies (CSS or FDM), and consent of instructor
FDM 4V98 Electronic and Film Media Workshop (3-6)
Pre-requisite(s): Consent of instructor
FDM 4V9R Research (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Consent of the instructor