Message From the Dean

The best social workers have chosen their profession because they are motivated by a deep sense of calling to serve others. We will honor and help you explore your sense of calling and equip you to step into that call on your life through the professional practice of social work. Our curriculum is rigorous because we want to prepare you for the demands of professional practice wherever your calling will take you. The passion of your life deserves nothing less.

The Diana R. Garland School of Social Work offers an educational experience we are proud to compare to any public or private university. We prepare students for the broad and exciting fields of social work practice in both public and private settings. In addition, the School leads the nation in the field of church social work and in research that informs professional knowledge and skills for addressing religion and spirituality in all social work practice fields. Baylor’s Garland School of Social Work alumni are all over the nation and world, serving directly and leading others to care for the most vulnerable and broken, as well as to change social structures that will lead to greater justice and opportunity.

If you want to be a confident social worker, a social worker effective at building strong communities and families, a social worker those in need will trust with their lives and futures, a social worker equipped to succeed no matter where your calling takes you — you belong at Baylor.

With joy at the hope of working with you,

Dean Singletary