Juris Doctor/Master of Divinity

This joint degree links the faculties, resources, and educations of a nationally recognized law school and a top-tier seminary, offering students an education that prepares them well for a multitude of leadership opportunities. Graduates will be fully qualified to serve in a traditional law practice and/or in a congregational setting. Beyond these contexts, the skill sets developed from this program will also allow graduates to serve in non-profit organizations, particularly those focused on human rights, or in careers that provide legal advocacy for society’s under-served populations.

To pursue the joint JD/MDiv degree, a prospective student must make regular application for admission to, and be accepted by, both the Law School and the George W. Truett Theological Seminary. Once admitted to both schools, the student will declare his or her intent to enroll in the joint degree with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs of the Seminary and the Associate Dean of the Law School. 

Because it is generally in the best interest to take the bar examination immediately upon completing the JD degree, it is recommended that students end the joint degree program with law school courses.  Additionally MDiv credits earned prior to matriculation at the Law School cannot be applied toward the JD degree.  If starting with the MDiv, a joint degree student could move to the law school after the first year of seminary and have any later MDiv courses applied to the JD degree.  Alternatively, they may choose to begin and complete the MDiv coursework between the first and second or second and third years of the JD coursework.

Both degrees are awarded simultaneously upon completion of the requirements of both schools.