Department of English
Chairperson: Kevin J. Gardner
Graduate Program Director: Richard R. Russell
The undergraduate requirements for admission to graduate study in English normally include eighteen semester hours of English beyond the sophomore level. However, if a candidate’s background in English is deemed inadequate, the graduate faculty of the department has the prerogative to require additional, designated courses as prerequisites for graduate work. Suitable undergraduate GPAs, both in English and overall, and scores on the Graduate Record Examination General Test (GRE) predictive of success in this program are significant criteria in admissions decisions in the English Department (all applicants must submit GRE General Test scores).
For admission into the doctoral program one ordinarily must have a master’s degree from an accredited university. However, exceptionally well-qualified students with the B.A. degree who have high GRE scores and a high GPA both in English and overall, as approved by the department, may enter the Ph.D. program. Also, students who enter the M.A. program may petition to enter the Ph.D. program after successfully completing fifteen hours with a GPA of 3.5, without completing the M.A. thesis. The Graduate Program Director appoints a committee of three graduate faculty, usually instructors of the candidate, to study the student’s petition and the student’s performance. The committee may recommend to the graduate faculty either that the student proceed toward the Ph.D. or complete the M.A.
All graduate students are responsible for securing the supplementary departmental requirements for their respective degrees from the English office at the time of initial enrollment. The deadline for applying to the M.A. or Ph.D. program is January 31; however, it is clearly advantageous to the applicant who wishes to receive an assistantship to have all components of the application in by January 15. The English graduate program has three types of assistantships available to both M.A. and Ph.D. students. These assistantships carry stipends and tuition coverage that are highly competitive with those offered by other universities. Also, health insurance premiums are paid for Ph.D. students who are Teaching Assistants. Inquiries should be made of the Graduate Program Director.