Accelerated Bachelor of Arts/Master of Arts in Classics
To earn an Accelerated BA/MA in Classics, a student must complete all basic requirements for the BA degree with a major in the Department of Classics, as well as additional coursework at the graduate level.
Applicants for the accelerated Bachelor of Arts/Master of Arts in Classics should be directed to the Graduate Program Director. The application deadline is August 1 prior to the senior year. The requirements for admission are as follows:
- Active progress toward a Bachelor of Arts in Classics, Greek, or Latin. Students pursuing a major in Greek or Latin must have begun study in the other language before applying.
- GPA predictive of success in the program.
- A personal statement outlining an area of interest and reasons for seeking the degree.
Degree Requirements
The accelerated Bachelor of Arts/Master of Arts in Classics degree consists of 151 semester hours, including the successful completion of a three-hour thesis or non-thesis project.
The requirements are as follows:
- All requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Classics, Greek, or Latin listed in the Undergraduate Catalog. A maximum of nine semester hours from the undergraduate major may be waived for nine graduate hours.
- All requirements for the Master of Classics (33 hours) degree.