Chemistry and Biochemistry, Ph.D.

Doctor of Philosophy

General requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy degree are given in the general requirements section of this catalog. It is not necessary that students with the B.S. degree obtain an M.S. degree in chemistry before pursuing the doctorate.

Lecture Courses
Lecture course work in the major area9
Additional lecture course work outside the major area6
Chemistry Courses
CHE 5260Scientific Communication2
CHE 5101Responsible Conduct of Research1
Additional Requirements
Additional lecture and/or research course work as determined by the dissertation committee 145
Pre-candidacy Seminar
CHE 5150Graduate Seminar1
Candidacy Seminar
CHE 5150Graduate Seminar1
Defense Seminar
CHE 5150Graduate Seminar1
CHE 6V99Dissertation1-12
Total Hours67-78

i.e. CHE 5V98 Graduate Research


Prefix Analytical Biochemistry Inorganic Organic Physical
CHE 5310 5345 5301 4334 5320
CHE 5314 5346 5302 5335 5322
CHE 5315 5347 5305 5336 5325
CHE 5316 5348 5306 5331 5326
CHE 5312 5306 5304 5323
CHE 5345 5341 5323 5347


CHE 5310Advanced Chemical Instrumentation3
CHE 5312Advanced X-omics Mass Spectrometry3
CHE 5314Separation Science3
CHE 5315Electroanalytical Chemistry3
CHE 5316Analytical Spectroscopy3
CHE 5345Selected Topics in Bioanalytical Chemistry3
ENV 5387Advanced Environmental Chemistry3


CHE 5306Bioinorganic Chemistry3
CHE 5345Selected Topics in Bioanalytical Chemistry3
CHE 5346Chemical Biology3
CHE 5347Physical Biochemistry3
CHE 5348Enzymology3
BIO 5300Advanced Studies in Biology3
BIO 5304Nucleic Acids3
BIO 5307Advanced Cell Biology3
BIO 5311Advanced Genetic Analysis3


CHE 5301Chemistry of the Elements3
CHE 5302Symmetry and Group Theory in Chemistry3
CHE 5304Special Topics in Inorganic Chemistry3
CHE 5305Organometallic Chemistry and Homogenous Catalysis3
CHE 5306Bioinorganic Chemistry3
CHE 5323Structural Studies by X-ray Crystallography3


CHE 4334Organic Spectroscopy3
CHE 5331Stereochemistry3
CHE 5335Physical Organic Chemistry3
CHE 5336Advanced Synthesis and Natural Products3


CHE 5320Thermodynamics and Statistical Thermodynamics3
CHE 5322Chemical Kinetics and Mechanisms3
CHE 5323Structural Studies by X-ray Crystallography3
CHE 5325Quantum Chemistry3
CHE 5326Lasers and Molecular Spectroscopy3
CHE 5347Physical Biochemistry3

Performance Standard

A minimum grade of “B-” is required to satisfy a core course requirement.  Grades of B or better are required to qualify in specific areas of chemistry. Students must also maintain a minimum overall graduate lecture course only GPA of 3.0. Falling below the minimum lecture course GPA will result in departmental probation. Students must attain the minimum overall lecture course GPA of 3.0 by the end of their subsequent semester. Failure to maintain the minimum GPA for two consecutive semesters will result in expulsion from the chemistry graduate program. Important: Graduate School policy states that failure to maintain a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 results in immediate probationary status. Students on probation are ineligible for stipend support and tuition waivers.

Further details regarding all degrees may be obtained by request from the Graduate Program Director of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry or can be found in the current Graduate Student Handbook of the department. Prior to graduation, all candidates for the Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy degree must comply with Department regulations concerning laboratory checkout. The checkout procedure includes a satisfactory inspection of the candidate’s work area by the Department Safety Officer and Risk Management, as well as completion of the Department Clearance Form.