Nutrition Sciences (NUTR)
NUTR 4351 Life Cycle Nutrition (3)
Pre-requisite(s): A minimum grade of C in NUTR 2351 or consent of instructor
Nutritional needs of individuals as they progress through the life cycle from birth through aging, with considerations of concomitant problems.
NUTR 5350 Dietetic Internship (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Departmental approval required
Supervised off-campus experiences in medical nutrition therapy, food systems management, and public health nutrition settings.
NUTR 5351 Nutrition and Aging (3)
Cross-listed as GRT 5351
Pre-requisite(s): NUTR 2351 or consent of instructor
Nutritional needs of individuals as they age. Disease prevention, nutrition assessment, and the central role of nutrition in maintaining health and well-being.
NUTR 5352 Pediatric Nutrition (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Graduate standing
An in-depth investigation of all aspects of pediatric nutrition. The course will cover nutrition concerns from conception through adolescence.
NUTR 5354 Nutrition in Public Health (3)
Pre-requisite(s): 12 hours undergraduate in nutrition and related subjects, or consent of instructor
A comprehensive study of Public Health and the role Nutrition plays in maintaining the health and well-being of communities.
NUTR 5355 Macronutrients and Metabolism (3)
An in-depth investigation of all the macronutrients (fats, carbohydrates, and protein) and their metabolic activity.
NUTR 5356 Micronutrients and Phytochemicals (3)
An in-depth investigation of micronutrients and their metabolism with the focus on the action, interaction and sources of vitamins and minerals.
NUTR 5357 Global Aspects of Food and Nutrition (3)
Pre-requisite(s): NUTR 2351 (or equivalent course); Graduate standing, NUTR majors only, ServSafe Food Handlers certification
Nutritional issues in developing countries, including an analysis of factors contributing to food supply, nutritional status including malnutrition, effect of under-nutrition, and methods of assessing nutritional status and interventions.
NUTR 5358 Emerging Issues in Food and Nutrition (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Graduate standing
Readings, discussion, and analysis of one or more emerging trends and developments in nutrition and food sciences.
NUTR 5359 Advanced Medical Nutrition Therapy (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Graduate standing
Nutrition in disease, including the biochemistry and pathophysiology of nutrition care, effects of disease, metabolism, advanced medical nutrition therapy, assessment, and therapeutic intervention.
NUTR 5360 Resource Management in Nutrition and Food Systems (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Graduate standing and successful completion of NUTR 3435 or equivalent
Principles of management applied to foodservice systems including institutions and restaurants and nutritional care delivery.
NUTR 5370 Research Methods in Nutrition Sciences (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Graduate standing
An in-depth investigation of research procedures in Nutrition Sciences.
NUTR 5380 Clinical Sports Nutrition (3)
In-depth study of clinical sports nutrition.
NUTR 5386 Nutrition for Sport and Fitness (3)
Pre-requisite(s): NUTR 2351 or consent of instructor
Advanced study of nutritional concepts for individuals and team sport participants across the life span with a focus on selection of optimal dietary/nutritional approaches and timing as related to performance needs, maximizing performance, body composition, energy balance, and unique nutrient needs for specific sport participants. Non-scientifically-based information related to food and nutrition in sports will be addressed.
NUTR 5387 Advanced Human Nutrition (3)
Pre-requisite(s): NUTR 2351; successful completion of BIO 1305, CHE 1301, 1341, 3341 or consent of instructor
Advanced scientific study of nutrients and other human health-promoting substances.
NUTR 5V90 Special Project in Nutr Sciences (1-3)
The Special Project in Nutrition Sciences, NUTR 5V90, is a culminating academic endeavor for BU graduate students majoring in Nutrition Sciences. The special project provides students with an opportunity to apply knowledge and skills acquired in their courses to a nutrition science problem or issue. This six-credit course emphasizes critical thinking, writing skills, evaluation of the scientific literature, and opportunities for students to grapple with real world nutrition focused issues.
NUTR 5V93 Special Topics in Nutrition and Food Sciences (1-6)
Pre-requisite(s): Graduate standing and consent of instructor
Special topics in Nutrition and Food Sciences. May be repeated with different topics for up to six hours.