Communication Specialist, B.A.

Requirements for a Major in Communication Specialist

Thirty-six semester hours, fifteen of which must be at the 3000-4000 level, including the following:
Required Courses
Select three semester hours from the following:
CSS 1301Fundamentals of Public Communication3
or CSS 1302 Speech for Business and Professional Students
or CSS 1304 Argumentation, Discussion, and Debate
FDM 1304Visual Literacy: Sight, Sound, Motion3
FDM 2360Production Methods3
or FDM 3361 Production Methods II
FDM 3371Writing for Visual Media3
Twelve semester hours of CSS courses12
Six semester hours of FDM courses6
Six additional semester hours of either CSS or FDM courses6
Total Hours36

Special Note: For students wishing to double major in communication, communication specialist, and/or film and digital media, the requirements for each major must be met independently. It is strongly recommended that students pursuing a double major in the department visit with the Chair of the department.