REL 5199 Non-Thesis Degree Completion (1)
REL 5301 Contemporary Issues in Old Testament Study (3)
REL 5302 Seminar in the Torah (3)
REL 5303 Seminar in the Former Prophets (3)
REL 5304 Seminar in the Latter Prophets (3)
REL 5305 Seminar in the Writings (3)
REL 5308 Old Testament Theology (3)
REL 5309 Selected Documents from the Hebrew Scriptures (3)
REL 5311 Contemporary Issues in New Testament Study (3)
REL 5312 Seminar in the Pauline Epistles (3)
REL 5313 Seminar in the Synoptic Gospels (3)
REL 5314 Seminar in the Johannine Literature (3)
REL 5315 Seminar in Acts, Hebrews, and the General Epistles (3)
REL 5317 Seminar in New Testament Greek (3)
REL 5318 New Testament Theology (3)
REL 5321 New Testament in Its Jewish Context (3)
REL 5322 New Testament in Its Greco-Roman Context (3)
REL 5323 The History of Ancient Israel (3)
Pre-requisite(s): M.A. or Ph.D. standing in the department
REL 5324 Syro-Palestinian Archaeology (3)
Pre-requisite(s): M.A. or Ph.D. standing
REL 5325 Ugaritic Grammar and Lexicography (3)
REL 5326 Akkadian (3)
Pre-requisite(s): HEB 3302 or equivalent
REL 5330 The Pentecostal Tradition (3)
REL 5331 History of Ancient Christianity (3)
REL 5332 History of Medieval Christianity (3)
REL 5333 History of the Continental Reformation (3)
REL 5334 History of the English Reformation (3)
REL 5335 Modern European Christianity (3)
REL 5336 History of American Christianity (3)
REL 5337 Baptist History (3)
REL 5340 Seminar on Religion, Law, and Politics (3)
REL 5349 The Radical Reformation (3)
REL 5350 Issues and Themes Within Patristic Thought (3)
REL 5351 Medieval Theology (3)
REL 5352 The Nicene-'Arian' Controversies of the Fourth Century (3)
REL 5353 Nineteenth-Century Theology (3)
REL 5354 Twentieth-Century Theology (3)
REL 5356 Contemporary Systematic Theologies (3)
REL 5357 The 20th Century Catholic Renaissance (3)
REL 5358 Seminar on Liberation Theology (3)
REL 5360 Contemporary Theological Problems (3)
REL 5362 Christian Anthropology (3)
REL 5364 Global Ethics (3)
REL 5365 Global Bioethics (3)
REL 5366 Environmental Ethics (3)
REL 5367 Global Ethics Capstone (3)
REL 5370 Neuroethics and Theology (3)
REL 5372 Church and State During the Reformation Era (3)
REL 5373 Contemporary Issues in Historical Studies (3)
REL 5380 History of the Christian Movement (3)
REL 5381 Christianity in Latin America & the Caribbean (3)
REL 5382 Christianity in Africa and in Africa-Diaspora Regions (3)
REL 5393 Contemporary Problems in Christian Ethics (3)
REL 5398 Theories of Religion (3)
REL 5399 Religion Colloquy (3)
Pre-requisite(s): Twenty-four semester hours of graduate course work
REL 5V00 Special Studies in Religion (1-3)
REL 6V00 Dissertation Proposal and Prospectus (1-3)
REL 6V99 Dissertation (1-9)